
visions of sugar plums still dancing in my head

My mother-in-law gave me the loveliest soft simple white cashmere or lamb's wool fine knitted scarf for Christmas (with tassels), and it so perfectly matched the while knitted gloves I'd picked up for myself (& wrapped) as a gift from Mr. Dot (£2, from Sainsbury's) & she asked if I ever wear colour. She's known me for years & years & I thought about what I'd packed for the Christmas visit: black, black, a brown tee, a nude jumper, more black.. the black boots, and a brown pair.. oh and the nude sequin motorcycle jacket.. and several soft items in pale pink: socks, underwear, tees.. pink is a colour! I do wear colour! Pale, ballet pink.

And then I thought about what a hypocrite I am, saying I'm not a girly girl. I am so a girly girl. Just a mostly neutral coloured girly girl. And I haven't uploaded the snow photos I took from the window as we drove up to Herefordshire, and how much snow is like one of my favourite indoor activities: bubble baths. Only totally different in temperature.

Anyway, this is Natasha. I met her in Camden & she is so nice. And I can't think of any better way to describe her than to use her own words:

That was me ,Natasha in the pink fluffy cardigan.I had just been to a yoga class with my friend in primrose hill and we were just chilling out really ,eating veggie burgers.
I run a bridal shop in Hertfordshire by day and I teach yoga in the evenings
I bought my jumper in bay trading in Watford,my dress from Morgan in London and my top from a boutique in middlesex.Unfortunately I think that all those shops have ceased trading.I added my own ribbon which i bought from a haberdashery and my flower in my hair is a jonnie loves rosie one.
I think thats all really .As you probably gathered ,i love pink and fairytales.They both make life exciting .
Thanks for taking my photo,I feel very flattered.
Kind wishes

And on that note, I'm off to do another favourite girly girl activity: cook my Old Man & me some supper. But I'll leave you all with a scene from my favourite ballet:


  1. Adorable post! :D

    Take care

  2. oh thank you for the flowers in the middle of the winter! they make me happy :D

    regs, Prefecta

  3. Thank you, thank you, Jill! I have been wanting to tell you how very much I enjoy your blog. Even old gals love fashion, and I just adore looking at all of the Barbie dolls in London! Hope that isn't insulting to those beauties, but I can't help remembering my granddaughters dressing in my old clothes when they were children! Such fun and such beauty in your photography. Your words are delightul plus your photography astounding. Thanks you so much.
    Dee, your Mom's Arkansas friend.

  4. What a lovely woman! I love her outfit, it is exactly as she described - pink and fairy tales - I think it is lovely on her :)

  5. oh Jill- this may be my new favorite post! I love Natasha's look soooo much! She is just glowing. Her hair is gorgeous, and what better color for a dark red haired beauty than soft pink?
    Thanks for posting the Tchaikovsky video. I never tired of The Nutcracker.

  6. ah she's adorable. love her hair and pink cardigan. xx

  7. Oh, Natasha makes me want to grow out my hair again... so pretty...

  8. Natasha has such classical, timeless beauty.

    (I hope you like the necklace)


  9. she's so cute! :)
    have a sweet day, darling.

  10. DEE!! Hope you see this: thank you so much for your lovely comment. No, I don't think anyone would mind being called a Barbie doll ; )

    Hope you had a lovely Christmas - hopefully with my 'blog friend' Cat!! So good to hear from you - please comment again, I can't get my mom to do it (altho I know she reads this, because she'll just mention that she knows I was away or whatever..)

    Thank you all for your comments. Hope you're having a great 'in between' festive holiday period!! xox
