
meanwhile, on the other side of town..

At the risk of being late for my lovely friend Bronwyn, I just had to come back to the trusty old laptop and do another quick post. I'm just not happy with the last one, but I can't take it down (it took too long to put together). It just feels so.. ho hum. Well, it is what it is: real girls, going to work in real jobs, in proper, grown up clothing. (My favourite is the least corporate: the girl with the motorcycle boots and the backpack, waiting for the tube).

And yet, with all the quirky, more edgy shots queuing up and not getting their share of the limelight.. Anyway. One shot. A couple. In Camden.

Now, really must step away from the screen!

Have a lovely Friday, all you style icons!


  1. The coat on this girl is FANTASTIC!

  2. hello jill.
    wow, i missed some of your posts.
    again, sorry for not visiting you for a while.
    my job of taking care of mr. freddy is too much
    but i'm enjoying it.

    jill, this is a great photo. they both make a perfect tandem!
    they are both stylish. i like to dress up mr. freddy like that
    guy's outfit.

  3. I. Am. DYING. For that coat.


    Have a great weekend, J!! How's your tooth doing?

  4. Yes, lovely coat, wonder where she got it from :(

  5. Haha! That's me and my girlfriend!
