
reds (freak week)

I don't always do this, but for this post, I'm posting every shot I took in a brief time sequence, just because, in hindsight, it feels like part of a theme. A black, white & red theme, to boot. Or, I should say, to little black booties. Those of you who've seen my blog before probably know I'm not a Reds girl, personally, but I respect others' right to be. Still, I'm not sure about the two Reds with one look idea. What's your verdict, fashionistas?

When I posted on Tuesday I was rushing off to the dentist in Cavendish Square with Mr. Dot. We both had dental emergencies altho his was a real emergency (mine could have waited, and will: I saw the dentist, but won't be treated til after the New Year).
Mr. Dot, however, was in real pain, and while I waited blithely, reading Tatler, they were pulling his tooth out. (Bet there was quite a bit of red there). I like this girl's soft grey colour scheme, and it's refreshing to see red on the one place you rarely see it these days: her nails. I'm going to start doing that: once in a while, I embrace a bit of red. Everyone's still wearing black nail varnish, or no colour at all, it seems. Or something in the blue family. Red actually looks unexpected, and new!

I happened to have my camera with me and, during the tube ride and the walk up Regent's Street from Picadilly, I couldn't resist pressing the shutter as I listened with concern to Mr. Dot's Dilemna. He as in such pain the night before he had taken massive amounts of paracetemol -this from a guy who never takes painkillers - and was having a pretty scary allergic reaction, so we also had to find a Boots. What can I say: it's been a rather freaky week in the Dot household.

Shot these two in quick succession: a second apart, in the moment before the elevator doors opened. Two identical black skirts, two different looks with it.

And as this post must come to an end, one parting shot: a shop window, with a look I love in winter: knee socks & heels. In black and white, not a drop of red in sight.

p.s. Minutes - three, to be exact - after posting this, I discovered this lovely post on a series of red coats on bicycles, in Copenhagen. Check it out!


  1. Love the subway shot (or is it the Tube?)

  2. RED! I'm your girl for red -- it seems like half my closet is red. I don't mind more than one red, but the mix in tones is bothering me here -- her coat is a warm, yellow red (tomato) and her tights are a cool, blue red (wine). I find that I don't usually care if colors match, but aesthetically it does bother me if the tones don't match. (This isn't a right or wrong, just my personal thing.)

    I don't usually go for all black looks, but that second photo of the woman in the delightful collarless coat and those AMAZING booties? MWAH! What a fantastic look, down to her terrific bob.

  3. love it when you put lots of streetstyle shots.. especially when it is just random people you see along the way. also, great link to the copenhangen red coats.
    oh! and red nails are pretty much perfect for this time of the year... i also tend to stick to black and grey... and red nails just seems like the right amount of holiday cheer.

  4. love them all, especially the second one!
    have a lovely weekend, xoxo

  5. I love the black booties on the lady in black! I also love red, but I agree with Stylespy, these two reds together don't look good. I must say though, despite the ugly tone combo, she does have nice legs! :)

  6. StyleSpy, adrielleroyale, I agree. With other colours it can work - especiall if it feels deliberate - but red is soooo tricky.

    Oh! I had a funny story about red. Well luckily I've got other shots, I can tell lit then.

    Thank you for your comments & hope your weekend is just peachy.

  7. I love London. What a city. Here's a picture for you from Manchester, though:


    All the best

  8. Sorry, that link didn't work. Let me try this:

