
night vision

Mr. Dot & were out recently, at an art launch party on High Street Kensington, and on the way home, we saw this guy with his friend*. Actually, Mr. Dot spotted him: he was his style find. He & Mr. Dot were having a whole kind of alpha male jokey banter going, and I managed to get enough shots in the low light that some weren't too blurry. (This post is for you, Jordan & Trendy Dwarf! And I've just discovered, today is said Dwarf's birthday, so please go to his blog and wish him a happy one!

*Just heard from him: his name is Markus! In fact I remember saying it to myself several times after so I wouldn't forget, but of course I did. He said it's all vintage & I'm going to get more details shortly.

Minutes later, I saw this great Italian girl. Alas I didn't write down either of their names at the time, and haven't heard from them (yet) so we'll only have to speculate where he got that hat (& gloves, and coat, & cowboy boots) and where she got that fabulous lizard effect black leather jacket, brocade Mary Poppins-esque bag, and gorgeous belt. And I'll ponder what names fit them. She could be a Marcella, no? The only Marcella I know is blonde. Or, Nicoletta! Actually, that might be her name.

It just occurred to me: more beige & black. The trends I'm seeing now are: all black, black with beige, black with red, black with accents of brown leather, black with bright colours (as per Emily, but more great looks on that coming up). Oh and of course, the ubiquitous black with leopard pattern!


  1. As far as i'm concerned Jill, you can't post enough rants on my profile! They're very detailed & appreciated [:

    I agree with what you say; it's kind of sickening to think of what goes on behind doors of the mass produced side of fashion. && about recycling, it's not something i really consider outside of fashion. Perhaps it's something i should think about really, i seem to care about it when it's related to clothes; but then i happily don't recycle bottle after bottle, I guess that makes me slightly hypocritical huh!

    But it's good that you take time to consider what you're doing [:

    Anyway onto this post, is he going for some sort of homeless-chic? It wouldn't suit me; but i do like the whole dirty but dashing look that he's emulating, especially the color of the boots, i don't usually like that as a shoe color.

    I think the top hat is just a bit much for this guy though, i feel like it kind of takes the micky out of the rest of his outfit. But then again; i guess he doesn't look like he is taking things too seriously!

    Another good find though jill! or was this mr.dot who found this? in which case, congratulations for him!


  2. I think exactly the same thing, Jordan (re: the top hat etc) so it's good to hear you say it!

    Yeah, it was Mr. Dot's find. And I'll pass the message on, thanks!

    And re: your great debate: I don't recycle everything either, and then I think, what's wrong with a big garbage hill, is it really hurting anyone? And then I think, in the scheme of things, are sweat shops really that bad? I mean, isn't it better to work than to starve and be homeless because there are no jobs? What exactly goes on in sweat shops, anyway? Are they tortured? Isn't work good for the soul?

    And I agree: there is nothing that beats well made designer clothes. I just wish there wasn't such a big gap between the cheap stuff and the good stuff. There I go, ranting again... and I'm not even on your blog!

  3. Thank you for your wonderful comment and birthday wishes! I could not help but smiling at what you had to say. Oh my goodness! Thank you for dedicating this post for me! I appreciate you taking my advice or suggestion into consideration. I have to say I love how the guy is dressed! Definitely knows how to style himself. I am especially fond of his jeans and fingerless gloves and his hat! The leather jacket is cool as well, but if it were me, I would definitely slim it down by a lot. He kind of reminds me of a really old school back in the day type of look. Maybe 30's or 40's? Please let Mister Dot know that I like his fashion inspiration or at least his fashion find. lol. Now on to the woman. I really really really like her jacket and belt! I also like how she is wearing long black tights and short shorts on top. Also, rather than wearing her belt high up, she wears it low as if she actually put it on her shorts. Pretty cool! Thank you once again! You are too sweet!
    check out my trendy blog!

  4. love your blog! love the moments you captured! your blog is now on my favorites.

    I love her lizzard effect jacket!


  5. I thought the chap in the hat was Matthew Williamson for a second. Epitome of cool, the pop of colour from the fingerless gloves injects fun along with the hat. I don't think he takes himself tto seriously, a trait I <3 in men

    As for the girl, she knows what suits her and dresses her figure really well. I'd be a similar shape and will be testing out the low slung belt tomorrow :)

  6. Keep posting more black and grays... don't stop. I'm obsessed with your fashion finds.

    That girl is so effortlessly chic... I will place that pic in my inspiration board.

  7. The first guy is what I think Jack The Ripper would look like in 2009! Is that a terribly awful thing to say? I like his style though.

    Thank you for all the compliments Jill and I do hope that people support this effort if they can't purchase an expensive piece from the collection [which also only gives 25% back, which isn't as great as the books 100% haha]

    I know for a lot of people Grace saves the movie and I did like her but I still think Anna is a badass that is misunderstood. Her OCD perfection and tight lip is pretty incredible.

    The woods were lovely! We had a wind storm last Saturday and a tree feel on a power line on our street and were powerless for 7 hours. Thanksgiving leftovers are just never meant to be, right? haha.

  8. TD: hope it was a wonderfully wonderful birthday! Sweet 16 ; )

    Leah: thank you! It won't be hard to find more grey & black: like shooting fish.

    Julia (Modelizer) - actually I was going to post that he reminded me of Fagan & I asked my husband (Mr. Dot) who loves the old Oliver film, and he said that would be an insult. But I'm sure that's what this guy was going for: it's got that Dickens Bad Boy vibe! And I hate to say it, but Jack the Ripper was probably pretty stylish. If he was totally creepy, no one would have gone near him.

    And oh, I agree re: Anna. I found her really likeable, too. Vulnerable and self aware. She knows she's driven, she knows WHY she's driven (her dad) & she's working with what she's got, rather than fighting it. And she's got the ability to laugh at herself, altho she seems such a serious person. It's only people who can't see the humour in their human failings that I have no time for.

  9. I think I could wear beige and black every day! I started becoming obsessed this summer and can't stop! Thanks for the photos!

  10. Beige and Black, Gray and Black, black and black -- all favorites of mine.

  11. beige, grey, black, black, black... :))
    great photos!

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