
emily's style

This is ridiculous.

I'm so tired: just got back from Topshop a while ago - I can't resist that Dress Me Up thing, and took a ton more shots - and now, I'm trying to decide, and I can't! I took a bunch of shots of Emily & her friend Cal, who was in London for a few days from Australia, and I just can't eliminate any of the shots! It must be because I'm tired - do you ever get like that? I just could not get a bad shot of those two. So I'm just going to close my eyes and pick any old thing.

I love Emily's style. I love everything about Emily's style. And I love Cal's casual guy style. They look like brother & sister. When I asked her where she got her skirt, she couldn't remember.. this is basically them just throwing on any old thing to go out and about, and shopping at Topshop (which is where I met them after doing the first Dress Me Up shoot: just outside the store, heading in).

Actually, because I'm so tired, I'm just going to copy part of her email, if you don't mind. Well, even if you do, I'm doing it anyway!

'It's so cute how you say you want few things in life but you want the boots :) You're not going to believe it but I bought those boots in Romania almost 2 years ago for £20, brand new, real leather. Even today they're still my favourite.'

'I've always had a secret passion for fashion as I have believed it is the key to expressing your personal identity.And I love shopping in vintage shops as much as the high street.
I never thought of being a designer,I studied drama and at the moment I'm looking for modelling jobs.I recently moved from Romania to London,to follow my love,british boyfriend which I'm now happily living with.I've done mainly catwalk jobs,but would love to do anything related to fashion so if you have any ideas...'

Well? If anyone out there has any ideas, just leave a way for her to reach you! Many thanks xoxo


  1. Wow are they both models? The boy is so cute

  2. Lovely couple... and I love Emily's style. Those legs I so lust for. I love her skirt as well.

  3. First of all, I have to say so much thank you for your amazing comment like always! They always take a special part in my heart. You really have to take more pictures of guys for your blog, because I find it so inspirational. Also, the very few guys you HAVE shot either in this post or in past posts, they are always so fashionable and not just crazy fashionable, but my type of inspirational fashionable. LOL. Do you get what I am saying? For example. This guy is wearing it all perfect. The length of his long sleeve tee shirt is just right. He is actually wearing skinnys. I am just saying this because most guys haven't caught on to the skinny movement. Also, his choice of shoes for that day could not have been any less outstanding. What I also love about his look is that he adds some color to it with his backpack straps! Also staring at your friend for a minute just trying to take in her entire outfit, she is also on point with what she is wearing! You are so right when you say they look like brothers! Literally they do, and they dress it too! Her skirt and blouse are just outstanding! I like how she is black from head to toe and decides to add some splash of color to her ensemble by wearing a really colorful blouse!
    check out my trendy blog!

  4. All of them are good, but the last shot is superb.

  5. That guy is gorgeous, and so subtlety well dressed. Also, do i spot a denim backpack he is wearing? Jealous.

    I love her whole outfit aswell, but out of both pictures; i can't seem to take my eyes off that guys hair!


  6. Thank you (to all).

    Jordan, Trendy Dwarf: that is interesting (or at least, to me) that two males commented on Cal's style. Because I keep thinking (judging from the comments) that it's only females who come to the blog, & as a result tend to post women so much more than men (probably 10:1, if not more).

    Now here's a question: are there any other guys besides you two out there? Even if there aren't, because you're both so nice (I've met Jordan personally, and TD only virtually, but I've seen his photos and he's got a nice face) so if for no other reason, I'm gonna post more Guy Style. Is that okay with everyone?

    And I agree: his hair, and his eyes, are soooo great. I truly don't remember if he had used product to get his hair that way, or if the wind was blowing. I think it was the 1st.

    Oh and Leah, Cal isn't her boyfriend, he's just a friend who was visiting from Australia. Emily is from Romania & her bf is English - god only knows what he looks like!! Actually: I should ask them to do a street shoot ; )

  7. Bloody hell could they look any more perfect?!

  8. they look perfectly imperfect- which is always a fine thing. and for this couple, it doesn't hurt one bit that they're incredibly cute!

  9. She is so regal. She also has this mischevious spark to her that makes her come across as very alluring and mysterious. J'adore her! And he's quite cute, as well! :)

  10. Thanks for your sweet comment. Yes, I'm diggin' this girl's look. I think it's the colorful scarf/top (?). I want to buy something with a print, but lately I've been quite frugal. I'm still eying those leopard Loubs...

  11. wow, lovely photos. they look gorgeous.

  12. oh my god.. that is the worst photo of me ever. twenty-three hour flights do not agree with me. and yeah, the backpack is denim, got it from topman. my hair wasn't producted, the shower in my hostel didn't work so i couldn't wash it hahah, so it just went absolutely insane. swear there is no product in that, i just dye it too much haha. these comments are so funny, i honestly thought that was the worst thing i wore and the worst i looked on my entire trip..

    anyway, to see me actually looking good, lookbook.nu/intergalactique and emily's is lookbook.nu/magentarose

    X Cal
