
santa baby

An assortment of quick snaps shot within minutes on Picadilly, near the Ritz and the Wolseley, and in this case, Pret a Manger. I loved the whole fur gilet/black stud bootie vibe but by the time I realised what a great look it was, I was further down the road. In fact I didn't even notice the feather effect on her skirt til I uploaded the shot. So please; if you recognise this girl, please ask her to get in touch. Thanks.

There's a great perfume shop called Santa Maria Novella (shown here on Picadilly, but they're also on Walton Street in London, and scattered round the world, like at least in NY & LA which to some people, is the whole world). The original, tho, is and was a fabulously secret wonderful place in Florence, near the Duomo.

My husband, Mr. Dot, had read about it in a Hannibal Lector book, actually, and wanted to go there so badly because the description sounded so fab. We were roaming round the hot streets, totally lost, he melted chocolate gelato all over his wonderful mustard linen jacket, and when we finally found it, tucked away and completely anonymous, it was every bit as wonderful and mysterious a place as we could imagine. Perhaps more. (I even took photos, but it's really not allowed, so you'll just have to go there yourself to see).

Speaking of Santa, I know I posted this a long time ago, and there are just so many versions of Santa Baby sung over the years, but this one, the original by Eartha Kitt, still remains my favourite:

Okay, enough from me for now. OOps, perhaps not. Me, me, me in my current uniform: Motel faux leopard coat, black jumper, tee, American Apparel thermal leggings, and black riding boots. Isn't it weird: it seems we've had Christmas decorations and such around us for ages, and now suddenly, it's just days away. My how time flies.

p.s. Thank you to auburn not red for figuring out that Poppy Scott was my 500th follower. I can't seem to reach her, so Poppy, please get in touch so I can send you a gift. Failing that, Auburn, you're the most likely recipient, altho Leah, you might just get one, too! Trying to think of just the right gift tho..


  1. Gorgeous pictures. We love how they capture the essence of the subjects by featuring them in their true lives instead of poses. Great blog

    Maddy, Rebecca and Alec
    La Société de Mode| The Fashion Society

  2. I love everything about that girls look. Her hair, the studding on her sweater and boots. I also like her friends look...the hat and fingerless gloves.

    It's great that the perfume shop exceeded your expectations! After all the trouble it would have been sad if it were a let-down.

    Your coat looks so cozy! I could use that right about now. hehe

  3. MK is the best! love the blog

    come check out the first ever fashion blog from a guys POV, let He know what you think


  4. I love your current uniform. Steer clear of Bristol or I may be stealing that coat.

  5. LOVE that fur gilet! ive been trying to find one like it for ages but no luck :(
