
top brasserie

Chanel seems to be outdoing itself lately in the wacky department, at least at their Brompton Cross location. While I was window snapping, Ian, who works at the venerable old La Brasserie next door, stepped out for a cigarette. He was trying to move out of my way but I love the shot. We had a nice little chat & then he went back to work & I went on my way.

Hope all's wrapping up nicely for you, wherever you are.


  1. If you didn't mention Ian, I thought he was part of the window display. LOL

  2. I know! He fit it so well. Altho no one was making him wear a birdcage on his head. How's things in your part of the world, cupcake?

  3. i had exactly the same thought with leah
    about Ian. good shot, jill!

    p.s yes, it's really weird that i dreamt about you
    though we haven't met each other yet.

    happy holidays, jill!

  4. I'm with Leah - Ian truly looked like a part of the display. The third chair made me think it was meant to indicate that he had just vacated it!! :)

  5. i like the whimsical, slightly wackiness of these pics, J!
    nice that Ian stayed on the scene. he fits right in, giving the last photo a human element.

  6. Ahhhh I took a photo of a very simillar widow in our Chanel - I will have to post it so we can compair! We didn't have an Ian though! The composition of the shot is brilliant!x

  7. Thank you all, on Ian's behalf ; )

    Pearl, where is 'your' Chanel exactly? How weird am I: I just assume if someone's in the UK but not London, there are no Chanel's. And I wondered if the window designs are local.. silly me. Of course not. I keep forgetting that shop windows are actually multi national corporations, & have this romantic notion of some very flamboyant young man in the window wrestling with tulle. And bird cages.

    If you get a chance, yes, please send it! Thanks.

  8. Hi Jill, ours is in Manchester Selfridges, I think we are the only place in the UK outside of London to have one - will hunt out that photo, its simillar but not exact. I guess they must have a standard set but have a little bit of freedom to play around with it. I know that in our Chanel they change the inside displays every week to keep it fresh. x
