
portrait of an american girl, in grey and gold

The incredible snow fall we've had has got me in the mood for this colour scheme: black, blue grey, gold.. I can't really do this post without playing that fabulous Tom Petty song, but embedding is disabled by request, so you'll just have to click here and crank up the volume. The one I found is a really good version.

Okay, got another window open & playing it? Good. So it was back in 2009, the last day of the decade, 8:30 in the morning, and Mr. Dot, the cat, & I were lounging in the bed when the doorbell rang. Don't answer it, said I. He did, of course.

It was the FedEx man. We never see a FedEx man. It was from American Apparel. They were sending me samples to try out. It was like Christmas came early (well, Christmas 2010, that is). I couldn't believe it: I loved everything they sent, apart from a purple polo shirt, but I bet even that, I'll find something to do with it. So after we toddled off to Richmond for the best little two day New Year's Eve party we've ever had, we did one of our little 60-second photo shoots.

I love this grey jumper, it's slim & fine as a tee shirt, so so comfortable & warm, & I've been wearing it non-stop. I'd been out in it with black tights, heavy pale pink socks hidden under Ugg-like boots, and of course, Mr. Dot being Mr. Dot, the shoot seems to have started before I was quite ready. Ah, sigh: a model's life ain't easy.

The bag is also American Apparel: lightweight and sturdy and seemingly made of real gold foil. I love it. This is the future, for me: no more big leather bags. Let's save those skins for shoes, shoes, shoes. Expensive IT bags are so 20th century. I just need something big, synthetic & light weight, because what with my camera and water bottle, a book or two, my notebook, sunglasses etc, my load is heavy enough.

I'm not telling you where to shop, but if by any chance you were going to buy anything from them online anyway, if you could please do it thru clicking on my ad on the right, they'll pay me a small fee! But better than that: they might be impressed that people are actually out there, reading this, and might send me more great stuff. It's only fitting, as I am, after all, an American girl. Granted, a very very old girl, but female, nonetheless.

p.s. Someone asked about the court shoes: they're Zara, I bought them in September because I never wear heels, never wore them, even brought them to the New Year's Eve sleepover party but wore black ballet flats instead. The minute the shoot was over I took a step and realised I'd wedged the heel into the soft earth between the old cobble stones. I wish Mr. Dot had shot me trying to break free, it was hilarious. There must be a trick to wearing heels that I haven't caught onto.


  1. I agree with Cecylia! This is a great outfit on you - definitely like the black shoes with it too. :)

  2. so great to see photos of you on here! you look great! next time i buy something from AA i will definitely do it through your blog! xx

  3. You look so pretty!! Amazing boots and you are so slim!

  4. You look so fab Jill... I love that dress on you. Wish I can wear such kind of clothes but my non-existent waistline wouldn't permit me to. Hahaha! I am just so straight!

  5. Very nice and I love that dress..it looks great on you!

  6. Dear Jill

    I was going to leave my usual commentary about how stylish your subject looks in this post-- and how I liked the flash of gold against all that grey and black-- but then I took a closer look and realized-- hot damn-- that's you! You need to show your face around these parts more often. I love it!!!

    Happy New Year.


  7. Dot, you have such amazing legs - you need to showcase yourself on here more often my love; you're too gorgeous!! :)

  8. you look amazing, darling! love those shoes.
    have a sweet day, xoxo

  9. Oh, what a lovely thing to wake up to! Thank you, I'm so.. I'm speechless ; )

    It's kind of scary, posting shots of yourself. Leah, I'm just like you: no waist. As in, it doesn't go in. I'm kind of a rectangle, with limbs & head. I've got no butt so there are times - after a good big meal - where my stomach is actually bigger than my butt! But that's the great thing about getting older.. I'm more comfortable in my skin I guess, and more comfortable with my body, as imperfect as it is.

    I feel so bad that I haven't visited anyone's blog the last few days & I've got to run out now - for a little photo shoot real deadline (not fashion alas) but will visit you all soon!

    You've really made my day. Thank you.

  10. 'hidden pink socks' I did LOL:) I too wear socks under my big suede boot!=)
    And WOW U are stylish and slim!!!(I couldn not leave without saying this^^)

  11. Damn, I'm a good photographer

  12. Woah Jill, I didnt realise that was you in the first shot! You look totally hot! I've been doing the whole second shoes thing lately too, its to dangerous for heels in this weather! Love the styling, you've reminded me how fab black courts and tights look, and I am obsessing with sweater dresses so will be checking these out. xx

  13. wow, the bag! if you ever tire...I'll rehome it ;)

  14. i agree, you look hot! you make a great model on your own blog. more of you, please. :)

    and yes, mr. dot- you are a good photographer, as evident here. i like the candid shots.

    great selection they've sent you, right down to that wonderful gold foil bag. i hope people click to buy (if i ever start shopping online again, i'll be doing so if it's AA i'm buying!! the quality of their stuff is great.) i hope AA sends you more fabulous stuff.


  15. is a leather gold bag?
    amazing! luv it!

  16. patty Tucker08/01/2010, 00:33

    Wow! Hello Jill, you are simply marvelous! (or should I say smaching?.....Fantastic pics, great blog,

  17. You look great! Have you ever modelled?

  18. The legs! The cheekbones!

  19. DOT you are totaly HOT!!!!! man that outfit rocks!!!! :) I love your super fun post that is so rad! ROCKON!

    Pay day Dude! I'm clicking through your site! :)

  20. Well I finally get to see the New Year's Eve outfit- thanks for posting it...you look great Jill !- Love the outfit- totally understand about the heels...whenever I wear them I always bring a back up pair as I know my feel will be killing me shortly.
    funny about the heel getting wedged- that's the reason I never wore heels in NYC- the heels got chewed up by the streets.....

  21. I'm into the bag but knowing how everyone buys anything good from AA and wears it to death...I don't think it'll finally get me to break my no AA policy. Unless they wanted to send me some samples ;)

    You look great and I have the same no waist issues, although I'm at the gym working on it! haha

  22. Whenever Mr. Dot is involved, I get a good laugh!
