
what's it all about, alfie?

Saw Margot and her dog, Alba, on Fulham Road, with her son. Asked to shoot her. She was lovely about it. I love her look & love how Alba is matching. But just in case you think I got this in one take, I'm supplying you with the out takes.

This is one of those times I'm glad I switched to a digital camera, at least for street shooting. I'd normally only take one, two shots at most when I shot in film. At least, I hope I've got Margot's name right. I was laughing so hard I didn't get a chance to write it down.

Now, off with me (in the snow - well it's laughable as snow to the rest of the snow-bearing world) to give moral support to my lovely and quite pregnant friend Bronwyn, her husband and delightful dog, Jackson, who are moving today. Hence the dog theme.

UPDATE: once again, I got the names wrong. I was actually reciting the names & by the time I got home, they changed. Just heard from Mardy, not Margo (was confusing her with today's post) & this is what she sent:

"I love your site and particularly loved the photos of Alfie and me, naturally. Would you mind changing the names, however, to the correct ones...I should have given you my card. I am Mardy (not Margot) and Alfie (not Alba). I sometimes call him ‘Alpha’ when he’s being naughty or obstinate (like when I was trying to get him to sit for the photo!)."

I guess when he's extra naughty, he becomes Alba. Actually, he was very nice. As is Mardy!

In fact, Alfie: this one's for you:

(I can't embed Lily Allen's Alfie video but you can click here to see it again, as it's unlikely you haven't seen it yet).


  1. Aww that dog's so big but so cute!! I love the out takes!


  2. Alba looks pretty serious and lucky of having
    a fashionable mom like Margot.
    I love Margot's cranberry jacket. a very rare color
    for a jacket.

  3. So cute. Love the "out takes".

  4. i love her scarf! =)


  5. that dog is so cute! :)

  6. i like this shoot- the dog, the coat, the story! it's fun to see all the pics in sequence. poor doggie did not want to sit, did he? maybe it was just tooooo cold to put his bum on the chilly ground, lol!

  7. Alba is so big but cute! And her hats cute aswell, I did buy one, from Topshop, must take a picture sometime soon! Alba has a scarf too, how Biker!


  8. This is lovely! I've always wondered why it is that only owners of "small" dogs tend to pimp out their pooches. Margot has proved Alba is just as capable of looking cute & jaunty with his bandana! xx

  9. The outtakes are so funny! The poor pup was seriously confused! I love digital too, I take as many as I can to get a few good shots :) The lady is very nicely dressed, I LOVE the colors.

  10. What a wonderful post, I love the outtakes.
