
this is not just another love song

Some other bloggers, who I admire, have done little end of the year 'best of's' - granted, I'm a bit late. I chose my own personal best ('this is not just another love song', above, from September's London Fashion Week. Some of the other models didn't want to be seen in curlers, but this girl was just so generous. It's hard to believe it's almost time for the next, my 2nd one!

Although, some people thought this one was my best ('white peony'). I'm too close to it all to choose (I like everyone I shot, hence asking them in the first place. So I get biased by their niceness, and lose all perspective).

Open to suggestions, but for the moment, we'll just call this my Best of 2009 & leave it at that.


  1. Beautiful hair form the back!

  2. I personally love the hair one too, least of all because it seems to really tell a story somehow (though I am not sure what it is... are they arguing, is she being annoying, is he tired from traveling...?). this kind of 'who knows?!' seems to me to be the mark of the best kind of photography...

  3. Both are different but wonderful shots. I love the second one quite a bit though.

  4. Already told you, that I love the second one!!!

    And yes - I notice and appreciate the Twitter-exceptions ;)

  5. the first hairdress is a little bit strange haha, but i love the t-shirt.


  6. Jill, love the 2nd photo "white peony", the hair braiding is beautiful and the expression on the guys face is just too good. So you have a fashion statement- and so much more...don't take this the wrong way- it would make a great card...
    the first shot is just too weird- can she make herself anymore disturbed looking from the hair to the makeup......

  7. these are really the best photos I have ever seen on your blog! amazing!
