
smoking boy

On Monday - first day back to work & school - the light was brilliant, the temperatures unusually icy for London, and I had just lost my new black fur ear muffs. My Christmas present. I'd bought it, but wrapped as if it were from Mr. Dot. It's a little tradition we've done every year, I open it on Christmas day with delight ('Just what I always wanted!') I was so excited when I'd finally found it, at Peter Jones. It was the last black pair in the whole store. And in all of London. I'd looked.

I knew I'd found the perfect accessory, and would wear it with everything, & look like Alice in Wonderland.

And I'd gone and lost it. On the very first day I wore it. Without even getting a shot of it, to show you.

And I was also so cold, I couldn't see. As I moved quickly down the King's Road, someone caught my eye. Smoking Boy. Two quick shots - click, click - and I kept on moving on down the road.

There are some moments that you just know are good shots. In my humble opinion. The camera and you are one, like riding the perfect horse, and it practically takes the shot itself. It's like the universe took pity on me for taking away my perfect black ear muffs, and, in return, gave me a photo op.

Maybe I should just get myself a knitted cap. Just like his.


  1. Why must cute boys smoke?

    P.S. You'll find your ear muffs come warm weather, I'm sure!

  2. Oh no! I'm sorry that you lost your ear muffs.

    This boy looks very melancholic, but the black does suit him


  3. That's the word! That's just what I felt. He seemed like an extension of the melancholy I was feeling at that moment. Who knows, maybe he's a runaway. Maybe his mum will find him thru my blog.

    Maybe my ear muffs were really a spirit, trying to break free, and manifest themselves in human form.

    Mr. Dot didn't like the shots. He thought the guy looked scruffy.

  4. I like the contrast between the boy and the sign in the background. The first shot is especially atmospheric.
    Oh, and I have read your email carefully, and promise that I will reply asap! Its just the rush of going back to school today (then getting sent home because of snow) and everythings a bit busy.. But soon! I really appreciated it too.


  5. I have a pair of black ear muff with skull and cross bones on them, so geeky but I love them! I hope your turn up x

  6. brilliant shot. well caught, so pensive he looks!

  7. love these shots - and once again are made better by your description of how you got them!

    we've just gotten loads of snow in oxford. are you snowed under in london too?? xx

  8. He is precious & soo young...smoking to look older & wiser & yes...cooler! He'll pay with wrinkles one day ;)

  9. I'm almost 100% sure smoking "boy" is actually a woman..... It's the shoes and bone structure. Could be wrong tho xx

  10. Oh, Arlene, that's an interesting thought.. I didn't even think of that. I wish I'd spoke to him/her but he/she seemed so lost in thought, I didn't want to intrude.

    Team Inglis: we had the most gorgeous huge flakes last night, now it's just slick roads & my friends are moving today - I'm off to give them moral support (the movers are doing the hard work ; )

    thank you all for your comments - they mean so much to me. will visit you all very soon! xox

  11. Wow, these two pictures are amazing.

  12. I agree with Arlene, I think that's a young woman. Check out the pointed toe on the shoes. Those look like women's shoes to me.

    Sorry about your earmuffs, sweetie. I'll keep an eye peeled for black earmuffs here.

  13. it sucks to lose earmuffs so soon after getting them...
    looks like a guy in this shot.......

  14. where is the tits then?
