
buttons to you: @ ashish

You know how sometimes you're just so tired, so delirious (in a good way) you just can't shut your laptop off? I'm just going ramdomly thru some of my photos, and I'm getting drawn into each one.

For example: some random selections from the Ashish show. I can't believe it was only this morning (9:00. A.M.!): it seems like a lifetime time ago. I wasn't even planning on going and the next thing I knew, I was sitting front row center.

People who had seen his shows before knew what to expect (lots o'sequins in amazing patterns), but for me - who really just knew him by his fabulous leopard booties in that silhouette everyone wore last fall - this was just like following the rabbit thru the keyhole. I was just absolutely giddy with delight.

I think he's just such a genius that everyone expects so much from him. And he surprised them this time: while everyone else was doing crazy heights with heels, he kind of freaks them out with brogues. That's good: that's what the catwalk is all about. Shake it up, baby.

Going thru the shots now is like savouring the candy after trick o' treating, or presents at Christmas.. I think this might be my favourite show. Ever. I so get it about how this man thinks. And the styling... it's just how I've always dressed, when my mother, and now my husband, would look @ me and ask 'Are you really going out in that?'

Buttons. Brogues with baggy socks. Knitted caps & old men's bathrobes. Classic peasant costumes, with an acid twist. Patterns remniscent of Turkish kilim rugs. All in my favourite colours: turquoise of tropical waters, orange + pink. Graphic black + white, or muted tweeds in grey.

And the minute it was over, I overheard someone say: 'That was very wearable.' I guess it depends where one wears it. I wonder, for example, how that would go down in Spokane, Illinois. I, for one, would wear every item in this collection. In a heartbeat. I can't wait to show you more!!

That's it for the women, London A/W 2010. Tomorrow it's the boys, and then most people are on to Milan, then Paris. But for this London Correspondent, well I'm still buzzed from these intense, exhausting, exhilarating few days.

What a long, strange trip it's been.


  1. i have to agree with you i think it looks absolutely incredible. xx

  2. Hello! I met you very briefly the other day when I spotted you and Shini! I love your photos. I am a little bit in love with the sequins and mass of buttons at Ashish too!

  3. Some of these photos are seriously brilliant. I love the last and second to last the best. Great work! Did you go manual or auto?

  4. how very colorful!

  5. I love the fun feel of this collection, with the sequined teddy bears. I can so see myself wearing those knits, and boots, and beanies.


  6. It's true: it's very wearable! ; )

    Good to hear from you, Susan! Photodiarist: for shows, I had to go auto: it was all happening so fast, I was lucky if I caught them in shot. It really did feel a bit like pheasant shooting - all these birds whizzing by. (Not that I've tried, I leave that to Mr. Dot).

    Winnie! Great to hear from you. Just left you a long comment on your wonderful blog. It's uncanny: you've been to all my favourite places. Sorry you tried Dover STreet Market on a Sunday. I also discovered, it's closed on Sundays.

  7. that button jacket is really quite interesting! i think i'd actually be inclined to wear it, but with really simple clothing; it's really a stand-out piece, and yes, very wearable.

  8. ohlalaaaaa
    love the clothes....

  9. Wowww Jill your pics are amaaazing, so jealous! Spotted you in the front row!
