
style crusaders & their grannies

Just uploaded over 2000 shots. And I'm just posting one: Emerald, in her grandmother's vintage REAL leopard coat from the 1950s, and JENNIFER, the true Style Crusader, who is, as we speak, no longer a catwalk virgin: yes, cupcakes, she's been to her first catwalk show tonight @ 7:30. We had a long day, got stranded in Somerset House square outside in the freezing rain under a giant umbrella with a wonderful gaggle of blog girls and new BFFs, and I wanted to put this up to surprise her when she gets home to Oxford.

I just met her friend Emerald a few days ago, and we went to her first show together. Delightful girls. I've got a whole series of these shots and it was impossible to choose, so I just closed my eyes and picked one.

Oh! And here's a weird coincidence: Jen's boots are a gift - Christmas present I think? - from HER grandmother. So this is kind of a grandmother post, unintentionally


  1. Aww, they both look amazing! I love the fur they are both wearing and Jen's boots are fab.


  2. this one's gorgeous and i love their angles to the camera--i feel like i'm catching a private moment!

  3. love the look. hate the real fur im afraid!!


  4. thank you (on emerald + jen's behalf). i know what you mean, laura, but my feeling is if it's vintage, fair enough. especially as it was emerald's grandmother... that made it, i felt, very poignant + special.

    to: what would a nerd wear: it's funny you said that because there were all these people around, but it's hard to explain: everything is just very intense during fashion week (i'm assuming it's the same in other cities) & especially @ somerset house, because it's in it's own kind of gated castle, its own world. friendships - and time - becomes very intense. so yes, it did feel like we were in our own world for those few minutes!

    come to think of it: i must add this to the post: jen's boots are from HER gran!! how funny.

  5. jill! i love this and feel so flattered. it is too funny that we are both wearing things from our grandmother's... (too much going through my head so will just leave it at that!) xx

  6. Their grannies are awesome... I wish my granny is alive and I can borrow her stuff too. Happy Tuesday! xoxo

  7. A real leopard coat, now that is amazing, lets shun those animal right acts for a moment. The shoes they're wearing are AbFab. I would love to go to a fashion show. Hope they enjoy it.


  8. Poor leopards, long dead. But what a gorgeous coat they made. There's something about your grandmother's clothes. I wear my grandmother's Manolos. Still beautiful.

  9. wow, that leopart coat is breathtaking!

  10. Wow! I wish my grandma would have been as cool!

  11. that is the cutest photo! love the pose, expression on both girls.

  12. Holy Canoli, that is the adorable Style Crusader in some sweet boots! She is everywhere! What lovely grannies!
