
a girl never forgets her first time

My first experience was last September. The 22nd, to be exact.

I had met a girl from Paris named Kristin who told me about it. I told her I wasn't invited and she said, don't let that stop you, don't be scared, just go for it!

There was quite a large crowd queuing downstairs, & obviously I wasn't on the list, but I told someone that Kristin sent me & she said to talk to Mshzshash and tell her Schmzshws sent me (I didn't understand a word she said with her elegantly foreign accent) but I went upstairs anyway, somehow found Mshzshash, the secret password worked, and I was in. In the first row, in fact.

There was such a vibe in the crowd.. it was just such a buzz, but also kind of scary. I felt suddenly shy.

Then I saw my new friends Rhiannon and Leila. They clearly had done this before.

It all happened so fast: I had no idea, somehow, all these years, I thought it would last longer. It was, however, far more exciting than I could have imagined. I can't explain: it was just really emotional. And at the end, I cried, but in a good way.

It was such a relief after, everyone felt it. Absolutely exhilarating!

And it just left me wanting more.

I was inspired to write about my experience because The Photodiarist just had her first, last night, with Narciso Rodriquez, in NY. Who was your first with, and how was it for you? If you haven't had one yet, who would you like to be YOUR first?

All shot during & after the KTZ fashion show at London Fashion Week, September 2009.


  1. The first & only fashion show I've been too was one I designed in locally here in NC. It was terrifyingly thrilling! If I was to go to Fashion Week & I think I would be delighted to see any designer if they let me in the door!

  2. oh this is my favourite post ever. so beautifully written. you've captured the moment so well. i love all the photos too. leila is looking seriously fierce in the front row. really love this. am so happy you get to go to another show! xx

  3. Oh wow. Nice pictures and...a nice post. So tell me, who's the girl in the first picture?

  4. I want to attend a fashion week show with you, you have quite the EYE! :)


  5. this is one of my very favorite posts! you've captured the energy and mood so vividly.
    look at that audience! not enough photographers focus on the audience at the shows, in my opinion.

    thanks for the email, by the way...sorry have not had a chance to reply- been running errands in town (which usually takes all day, as was the case today). i just got home. and now, i'm off to pilates class for a bit of torture. ;) the class is advanced- not sure i'm ready for that but we'll see.

    definitely need to catch up/chat soon...miss ya!

    once again, awesome post! i can't wait to see your work from London FW.


  6. hi jill!

    My first NYFW was just last season for the Tadashi Shoji show. I won a MetroNY photo style contest! I was soo excited, haha. This season I went to 5 shows!! But you are correct, a girl never forgets her first time. ;)


  7. It’s great to see good information being shared and also to see fresh, creative ideas that have never been done before.

  8. i haven't been to any yet, but i am going to my first on sunday (louise goldin)... it was actually a lovely surprise because i asked my mum to get me london fashion weekend tickets, and she got a bit confused and somehow managed to get london fashion week tickets through her work =)
    i am rather excitedddddd

  9. this was overwhelming to read..hope i have my first someday very soon!!

