
a cinderella story

This is a true rags to rags story.

One thing Mother never tells you (or at least, mine didn't) is that after you marry the Prince & live Happily Ever After, you then have to clear everything thru HQ. Including, & especially, shopping. It's so sad, really: when we're single we're perfectly able to make shopping decisions on our own. We find things that make us look hot, which in turn attract Mr. Right.

Then you get married, the honeymoon is over, and Mr. Dot puts you on a budget of.. £00.00. Everything becomes an issue. He then discovers online banking, and can actually monitor and catch you the moment you swipe that card.

Which just forces us to get creative.

When were in Florida, I bought my white ribbed men's wifebeater (appropriate term) tees by Hanes, at Target, and I've been working my fingers to the bone (& chipping my nail varnish) trying to make it a lovely, etereal, Rodarte-inspired dress like Stephanie of Style Odyssey did (see 'we are all connected...' to see how it should REALLy look).

I was reading comments on the original post by childhood flames, and people were saying things like 'I wish I had the patience.' But for me, it's not the patience, it's the courage. I mentioned it to Mr. Dot one night. 'The courage?' he asked. 'Tell me how the courage works'.

It's true what they say: the first cut is the deepest. Once I started, I really got into the ripping thing. Mine is now a nice ruffle of about 4-5 inches (about twice what you see here), which I'd wear perhaps over pink opaque tights, with light olive baggy ankle socks & lovely vintage rust suede court heels. Which no one will see it anyway, as I'll probably be covered in a waterproof snorkel (nude coloured, of course), in the rain.

Then, most likely I shall catch the little stiletto heel in the cobblestones @ Somerset House leaving one perfect shoe behind, step into a pumpkin, and disappear into the misty London night.


  1. I really need to attempt this!

  2. I've been doing the same thing with a dark blue pashmina - it's taking such a long time! But the overall affect is great. Love the idea of pink tights and light olive socks... I might put that into practice!

  3. Such a great effect, and I wish I had the patience to do it!

    Can't wait to see the finished result!


  4. Jill- leave it to you to make your own statement- nice job on the simple distressing at the bottom of the shirt- now when can we see the whole outfit on you?
    Funny that you mention the budget bit and Mr. Dot- I know what you mean- I thought having my own credit cards would avoid those indiscretions- except I leave the statements with all the others so what good is that...
    Did Mr. dot like your newest creation and appreciate the low budget dress?

  5. I've been thinking about trying this ever since you posted it...can't wait to see how yours turns out!

  6. oh, it's darling with just the bottom part done! that's the great thing about this project- it works out ok with almost any amount of shredding.
    reminds me, i ran across a pic of kate lanphear wearing a partially shredded dress here: http://forums.thefashionspot.com/f71/kate-lanphear-style-director-us-elle-63472-70.html

  7. i meant to add: thanks for the link!
    oh, and see you and mr. dot (and jennny) on today's style odyssey post.
