
henry, and roses

The other day, Adam (who was the first boy to lay down flowers for McQueen last Friday, and who will get his own post), told me that he'd been back and they hadn't let the flowers get taken away, but had brought them inside and put each in a vase of water. I went, and it was beautiful: the shop is open, the staff are respectfully conducting business as usual, and we can sign a book and pay our respects.

I met Henry and Rose outside, on Old Bond Street.

These were the only flowers in the window: one in each black window.


  1. Amazing blog!
    i really love it!

    please check out & please please comment my blog!
    and please please please follow me please :)!


  2. This is a nice tribute.

    I really do not like her leggings though....


  3. Jill great shot of the boots and roses.

  4. Can't wait to see more photos of Adam...he's adorable!

    And I think it's lovely that they didn't throw out or sweep away all the flowers...

  5. Fantastic tribute
    just wanted to leave a comment to say how much I love your blog and had to link to my own.

  6. That is lovely that they brought in all the flowers, I hear the McQueen brand will remain, I am interested how it will pan out. RIP Lee x

  7. Hey dear Jill,
    how are you? I hope all is well in UK.
    I was so very, very shocked like everybody else I think when I received the news. When I received the news I was on my way to the shop btw. A very strange, very spooky and very, very sad coincidence....
    I love the white beautiful roses in the black window. A simple but perfect tribute.
    A genius has left the building and there won't be anybody like him again. A big loss in many ways.
    Good news is that the group decided to keep the brand alive.
    much love, sofie
