
what about the bob

I've been meaning to post this for a while, but got sidetracked by events. When I discovered that Jen, the Style Crusader, has also been postponing her haircut (she'd gone a whopping EIGHT MONTHS and I was over seven..) I booked her in to my favourite hair salon, Windle, in Covent Garden. Several times I tried to back out, but Jen held firm: it was becoming like a bloggers haircut support group. I was all hemming & hawwing over whether to bob, or not to bob..

You might remember my post on the wonderful Collette (cutting edge: grey gardens) way back in August (the cut was actually July). I love how Collette always wears grey: it suits her light colouring so well.

Anyway come the Friday before last, I was on the tube & the Picadilly line broke down. Stalled to a stop. I had to come out, text her, get back in, change three times... I was really late.

Meanwhile, she had arrived and HER stylist, Josh, had been rushed to the ER (or A&E in Brit speak) because he'd cut off his finger. So she got a replacement & we got whisked off to the most wonderful head massage shampoos.

I didn't see her til it was all over, when she took these shots. Because I'm so wishy washy, Collette & I worked out an asymmetrical compromise. I let her whack off the back: it's not like I see it, anyway. She's a genius, actually: she totally gets me, and is a virtuoso with the scissors. And besides: it's only hair. It grows back. The main thing is, I met a wonderful new friend - Jen is like a younger, better version of me (much better). And she's also a great Point Person, but that's another story.


  1. you are too funny. i am so not a younger or better version of you... but i will seriously take that as a grand compliment. i can not wait for tomorrow. my sickness has finally passed and i feel like a new and seriously excited person... whoop whoop. 11am - coffees and cameras at the ready?? xx

  2. so glad you're feeling better!! yes, coffee & cameras @ 11 (shame roz of clothes, cameras & coffee is away). i'll get there ahead to get my pass & i guess long as you steer clear of shellfish tonight, we've got a plan! xox

  3. I want to join you in your blogger's haircut... how I wish I am in London right now. I love the asymmetrical haircut. Very stylish!!! xoxo

  4. Oh my god, can't believe so many things happened during one hair salon trip! The cuts look great on both of you.


  5. You both look gorg!!! I am so well over due a hair cut, if I confess my last salon hair cut was at least 4 years ago. I just have a chop myself every now and again! I have been considering something new but we will see. Have a fab fashion week, so sad I will be missing it again, but next season I really am gonna make it!

  6. Your hair is stunning! I love it.

  7. love the new bob- I haven't seen it this severe in the states yet....probably living in richmond too long.

  8. Your cut is very nice, so worth the wait...it looks like you're in talented hands!

    I have loved blonds in gray ever since I started watching Hitchcock movies...he does this a lot.

