
hot pink!

Before Jaeger, at the reception @ Somerset House, this girl in pink,* and her friend & colleague Lucy, of 'fashion me now', in vintage brown fur & tweeds, were the absolute stars for me, in a room that also housed celebrities.

*(Natalie Hughes, of Canned Fashion, as I've just been informed by the Little Curly Girl: I did think it was Natalie when we chatted but I so often get it wrong, and I didn't have time to write it down -and I don't trust my memory, I've met so many people this week!)

In fact I'd go so far as to say that those two trends: hot pink, and topknots, are two of my favourites of the week.

I love everything about this look: the perky retro sixties shape of that gorgeous soft cashmere looking coat, the way she's paired it with a greyish beigeish chunky jumper with just the right sleeve poking out, her eyeliner & thick lashes & even - can you see? - her griege nails. I wonder if she's got the last bottle of the Chanel 505 Particuliere? It's sold out, girls, but you can still grab it on eBay for a mere £44. Altho, with 8 days to go, that price could rise.

Both these girls, IMHO, have so got the 2010 quirky-yet-worky classic with a twist look down to a T.


  1. I saw her too and wanted to shoot her but then was distracted by the free champagne.
    Great shot.

  2. The girl in pink's name is Natalie Hughes, she has her own blog here - http://www.cannedfashion.com/

    She has great style - I've seen three different street style blog posts about her!

  3. Oh, Little Curly Girl, thank you! I was SURE she said Natalie - we had a lovely chat after & I gave her my card but didn't take her details - so will update now, & get in touch. I'd love to see the other posts - do you happen to remember which ones they were?

    Nyanzi (David) glad you were having fun, that's all that matters ; )

    And PD: if you're happy, I'm happy! (Yes, I agree: I'm often wearing this colour - in fact wore it the same day & ended up in the front row @ Ashish & could see myself on the big screen in the press room the next day, on the live feed: once that's published I might mention it in a post actually).

  4. Wonderful. I have a hot pink velveteen vintage coat in a similar shape and it lifts my spirits every time I put it on.

  5. I really love how that woman layered the grey sweater and how it pops out through the sleeves. Oh, and I stumbled upon your blog a couple days ago and your photography is quite lovely!

  6. wow, she is gorgeous and works hot pink so well.

  7. It's wonderful! I'm still kicking myself internally for not getting Particuliere when I had the chance!!
    This is pretty close to, if not the exact shade of, Elsa Schiaparelli's "shocking pink". Simply gorgeous.

  8. so happy the top knot is back - she looks so rad!

  9. Long as you're not kicking yourself externally, Miz Odyssey.

    Hey Daisychain! ; ) yeah, I agree. Julianne, thank you!

    Alysha, I agree: she looks totally rad.

  10. You're more than welcome! Complete coincidence really; I read your post and then started reading another street style blog and there was Natalie!

    Unfortunately I didn't make it down to Fashion Week (I'm based in Liverpool and had quite a lot on this week), but I'm planning on moving to London soon so hopefully I'll be around for the next one.

    Franki x

  11. oh i love top knots too! mine end up much more puny though >> http://www.shayummy.com

  12. Thank you Jill for the LOVELY post! And for all your kind comments! Little Curly Girl - I'd love to see the other blog post (super narcissistic of me, I know!) if you have a link!!

