
unique pixie head pics (no one puts baby in the corner)

The Topshop Unique catwalk show in London was held in the basement of this fabulous white-painted space - a flower hall in Covent Garden. Fabulous space and wonderful crowd. The 'catwalk' snaked thru the crowd - which was vast - and was marked by these kind of wood chips. The models were styled as jungle animals (I can't stop singing 'If I were King of the Jungle' as I post this) and it was all just perfect, except this one head kept getting in the way of me getting good shots. After a while I just figured, screw it: I'll leave the good shots to the professionals, you'll forgive me if I don't post clear shots, and I just relaxed & enjoyed the show.

It wasn't til later - til the show ended and the REAL circus began - the media frenzy - that I realised that it was little Pixie Geldorf's head, blocking my view.

And tho I didn't notice it at the time, Olivia Palermo was just in front of me, on the left.. and I spotted some familiar faces across the catwalk aisle.. Kate Lamphor, who I'd just met & shot, at Somerset House..

and of course, the Sart, aka Scott, who I shot last summer: no one puts baby in the corner.


  1. What a fantastic blog!! Is that the sartorialist i see there? ;)

    Really adorable!! Check out mine xx


  2. The headpieces are drastically awesome! Famous Fashion Faces, woo!


  3. Yup (to SaraKateSwan). If you want to see the photo shoot I did with him@ fashion week last September:

    I was being quite bossy, actually, but at least I got him to drop his mask & smile a bit ; )

    KiraFashion, thank you & J'aime, good to hear from you, how are you doing babe? x

  4. ummm...what's up with the super scary headpieces & eyebrows {ewww}, totally takes away from the fashion for me!

  5. good stuff, J. really good. pixie's hair...yeah, i'd have guessed that was her- she has some hair! kind of cute on her, though.

    i'm eager to see your kate lanphear pics! i just adore her.

  6. fantastic

    checkout my shopping blog
