
more about erina and her bob

Thank you for your comments and support re: my indecision on the Bob (yesterday's post). I will keep you posted (I'm actually leaning towards a half & half: Bob on one side, longer on the other.)

Wanted to show you Erina's whole look: I think it's smashing, and she was such a still model, as the light was rather low.

I'm having a really bad case of time management (that, or the Lag is still in effect from our Miami/Palm Beach trip) - was up til 2 a.m. studying.. shoes. Online. How sad.

I've compiled a whole list of shoes I like and shoes I don't - but I must run out to yoga asap. I'm already late. And I've got some other great looks I want to show you. Later, promise!


  1. That bob really suits her

  2. I really like her hair, hope you like yours when you have it done :)

    Love vanilla

  3. Gorgeous ;D Love the whole outfit.

  4. Bobs are really fun! I rather like the inverted A-line (longer in the front than the back), it is a fun take on a classic look... Go for it!

  5. what did you decide to do w/ your hair? an asymmetrical bob would be darling! and quite chic...i had that once, in the 80s. it was a fun look!
