
what about bob

Erina, spotted & dotted @ the V&A.

I'm not an envious creature by nature - I can appreciate someone's shoes, for example, without developing a case of 'shoe envy' - I don't go round saying 'I want, I want' or even 'I die' - but I am seriously jealous of Erina's bob. Not because I can't go and get one - my hair colour & texture is quite similar - but because.. I just don't think I have the balls, frankly.

When I met her on Sunday, she'd just had it cut by someone training. Who did a great job. I've got my wonderful hairdresser, Collette, at Windle (cutting edge, 4 August) just waiting for me to return. It's been over SEVEN MONTHS!! I keep thinking.. aw, it's such a good cut, I can wait.. let's face it. I'm a big baby. I'm chicken. I'm indecisive: do I want it long? Some days I do. Other days..

I don't think there was a more radical transformation, stylistically, than the period when women chopped off their long hair (kept up in buns) for The Bob. And hiked up their skirts. And rode in cars with fast boys. The world was changing so radically in the Roaring Twenties, and The Bob summed it all up. F. Scott Fitzgerald even wrote a story about it (Bernice Bobs her Hair). Two of my favourite bloggers have just posted on that look (see 'hats off to..'). I've even had a Bob or two, over the years, so what's the big deal?

That does it. I'm booking an appointment. Altho.. I'm sure I'll end up doing just a trim ('like a long bob') The truth is, I'm just such a wuss. She does look great tho, don't you think?


  1. i totally agree... my opinion changes daily on whether or not i want to cut my hair off or try to grow it out. we are definitely the same in putting hair cuts off! i think she looks great and very fitzgerald-esque. xx

  2. DO IT! It's incredibly liberating to hack off several inches of hair, especially if you've been wearing it the same way for a long time. And it does grow back. DO IT!!

  3. J, you have great, versatile hair...like this girl, similar in texture and color. i agree w/ StyleSpy: do it! it's really not that drastic from what you already have (all one length w/ fringe). perhaps you could do like i did (no, i'm not suggesting you go pixie-although it would certainly flatter you- so bear w/ me: i had really long hair for years, then went shoulder-length bob, then bob, then victoria beckham inverted bob; and finally, what you see now. point is, you can do it very gradually, and it's not a shock. you could start w/ a little more than a trim- say 3 inches to start. see how you like it.) it really is liberating.

    i have a special affinity for the universally-flattering bob cut- something i've had off and on my whole life. in the 80s, i had the very same version as erina, only with big bangs poofed up. well, it was ok at the time...


  4. ah.. but amy, that's the scary part.. what if it DOESN'T grow baack??

    jen (style crusader) that does it. i'm booking us. we can always just not show up!! x

  5. My hair is a little bit like Erina's, before I got it cut my hair was half way down my back. I don't regret it at all! Just go for it :)

    Love, love vanilla

  6. I love her hair so much, I'm getting mine cut next week and this is total inspiration

  7. Me too, I always admire people who go for the bob! They always look great on them, but I'm never sure if it would suit me.

    Ignore me, just go for it!


  8. Great title reminds me of the film :)
    I always loved the bob but too scared to actually take the initial plunge...

    Thanks for the sweet comment. How long were you in Fl? Where? I miss it... maybe another time and place we can meet? :)


  9. Wow, that is certainly a bold bob! I think her haircut really frames her face well, and it is a nice portrait too.
    A big thanks for doing another 'Hats Off' to me! I really, really appreciate it. And I very much approve of the picture you chose.


  10. Yes - she does look great, and their is nothing like a fringed bob to turn one into a mysterious screen siren. Better to start off with the long bob version, like Mia in Pulp Fiction so that you can put it up Brigitte Bardot style if need be.

    I had the bob pictured here when I was 18 or something, and I loved it. I wanted to look like Louise Brooks.
    Let us know what you decidexxx

  11. I love her hair ! And if mine was more straight, I could definitely go for a similar haircut :D
    But it's wavy so not sure about the result ^^

  12. I had a bob for ages. And it's still sort of a long bob (just not as precise as hers). I love it. You should try it. The wonderful thing about hair is that it grows back!

  13. Tres fabulous! I love the bob on other people; but I would never be able to chop off my own long locks - I think of them as a permanent accessory!! :)

  14. Hey so wonderful excellent picture u have.

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