
renaissance man

It was my husband, Mr. Dot, who spotted Paul first. In the fabulous new Medieval and Renaissance wing at the Victoria & Albert Museum. 'Get that guy, Jill!' I was looking at his friend, who was also quite stylish (you get to see his photo soon, girls, I promise). 'The one in the dress.'

'What dress?' 'There! That guy. In the dress.' (Meanwhile, we're like three feet away from them, pointing and gesticulating and arguing, loudly. I got shy (well, mortified, actually) so Mr. Dot marched over and asked if his wife could shoot them. Then the light was too dark & I dragged them to the stairwell.

Paul went first. He had to stay very still as I did shot after shot, each one identical to the previous one. It was like posing for a daguerreotype. He was appearing more ghost like and ethereal with each shot. Actually, I think he might have been on the verge of fainting. It was kind of warm in the V&A.

Both guys work as apprentices to the American artist Christian Marclay, on a three year project for White Cube. I mean, how much cooler can you get. And Paul's 'dress' is by Rick Owens. Afterwards, Mr. Dot kept remarking how gracious and polite they were. I agree. When I asked Paul how to describe him, he thought for a moment and said 'Artist. And musician.'

Basically, a Renaissance Man.


  1. Honestly, I'm gonna be a frigid fashionista and say I don't like the dress. Not my cup of tea I guess?


  2. Wow! That is the most bizarre thing I have ever seen!! :/

  3. I {heart}} that Mr Dot spotted him first :) Very Matrix meets Dune !

  4. that is wild. it looks like it would be so warm! nice to see that we aren't all wearing the exact same thing... and thinking the same looks are cool. he looks so individual and confident! which is a lot more than you can say for most people. i think he looks awesome. xx

  5. Ah Mr Dot is totally getting it! I love Rick Owens boys!

  6. As soon as I saw this picture I new it has to be Rick Owens, even though the guy's other stylist looks totally not Rick Owens if you know what I mean... Do I love it? Hmm not sure. It's interesting, but I think he kind of looks like he's put on his overalls to do some painting and decorating...


  7. i can just picture the scene, especially after having met you & mr. dot in person. lol!

    this has to be one of my favorite posts. the ethereal nature of it is what attracts me the most. it's not so much the dress thingy, but all the visual elements working together. and that's the main thing which makes for good style- and a good photo.

    off topic, i apologize for my lack of email correspondence...it's been a hectic few days, as my trip's cut short, which is frustrating, and i can't get the flight i want...sorry to digress, just wanted you to know why i hadn't been more responsive...and also, no i haven't been in touch w/ ashley at AA...WILL email her, tho! and now, i won't be able to go back to So-Be this trip, which is a real bummer! (your photo-shoot/post idea was great, by the way...i may be back to FL in march, will try to get her then...)


  8. Great shot, Jill. What an intriguing guy.

  9. ugh- I really dislike this sloppy look- sorry Mr. Dot- keep looking.

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