

Annabelle has been wearing her hair white lately, but the incredible, magic touch she has added is lavender highlights, which, in the right light, look luminescent, like her eyes. I saw her in different looks on different days: this was the last, the men's catwalk day, so we were all kind of dressing down: black biker jacket, plaid flannel shirt, and Christopher Kane tee. Just one of the boys.

At the moment I took this shot, a little gust of wind appeared, like fairy dust, to complete the picture.


  1. oh yes, her hair is really nice and very trendy!

  2. that colour is so great. I wish I had such confidence to dye my hair like that

  3. This is beautiful, Jill... BTW, it's raining like London here in New York. Have you been having sun?

  4. I wish I could pull off hair like that

  5. i fell in love with the hair and the whole outfit ♥

  6. Wauw her hair looks really amazing!

  7. The name fits perfectly.

    Nice shot.

  8. Angelic hair- like corn silk!

  9. two things:
    1. totally angelic. really beautiful photo.
    2. did you see the bit in the style section of the times today that said the key to dressing well was being honest about whether you are one of the boys or a girl (not literally of course)... i.e. it's when boyish girls try to dress girly that it goes terribly wrong. the line 'just one of the boys' reminded me of that...
    hope you've had a great weekend. xx

  10. thank you all (on annabelle's behalf) for such lovely lovely comments! and photodiarist, that's so funny, because it IS sunny here. it's like one thread - the rain thread - and it moves around.

    i wish i had the confidence to pull off hair like that, too. i've never even highlighted my hair, let alone coloured it.

    jen (style crusader) yes i read it: i LOVE shane watson, think she's a brilliant writer and was inspired to do a post on it. it probably takes a day or two for an article to go online but when it does, i want to link it. it's so true. it doesn't mean girls who have boyish styles aren't feminine, they can be really feminine - like jackie kennedy, for example, or alexa chung - it's just they're not all frilly. clean style. leah was talking about it a while back: a post where she asks 'are you a girly girl?'

    good food for thought. thank you all! xx

  11. wow, amazing hair :)

  12. Great shot - everything about it.. ya :)
