
can't get enough of that bora bora stuff

I know I"ve posted about Bora Aksu before, but I can't help it: I have so many other pale muted pastel frocks from his collection that I'm just dying to show you. Especially right now, when we can't go bare legged, this is what is floating my boat: flirty not quite sugary pastels: rather, pastels-with-a-twist. With black tights, leggings, a bit shredded, a bit tough to take away from the prettiness, give it an edge.

See what I mean: that mesh in the leggings? Is it just me? Why do I love this man's work so much?


  1. i think you love this because it really is amazing. that dress has so much intricate detailing... it is seriously beautiful. paired with those black leggings it looks like something you could maybe wear now. it's pretty cool, that dress is gorgeous. i'm not entirely sure how i feel about the black showing through around the hips/waist under the dress... i always feel a bit iffy with that when i'm wearing a light coloured t-shirt and like black jeans and you can see where my jeans end through the shirt? is that stupid? haha.

    p.s. notice the model's nail colour?? i think you are hypnotized by that colour... that's your infamous griege, isn't it?

  2. I love it as usual, love the designs

  3. It's beautiful! Do you know where can I get it in the state?
    Have a great day Jill,

  4. i'll find out for you nini!

    izzy: just left you a comment, am following you, and linked your blog.

    jen: that's so funny you noticed that about the nails! the weird thing, it's the one colour i DON'T have for nail varnish. i bought two really lovely pale colours in miami @ american apparel - but not the griege, OR the grey. i don't know why: i really should.

    i know what you mean btw about black showing thru light tops. i was actually thinking that, too. apart from that, it's perfect tho ; )

  5. I can understand why you love it, his pieces are really unique and interesting to look at. There are so many small details to admire and pick out. For example I love the way that the frills at the front extend right round to the back - amazing work


  6. These are stunning photos. I have to admit something to you . . . sometimes, I don't even care about the fashion . . . just the style and quality of the photos . . . I love these.

  7. That Bora Aksu is a good.
    Understated but a bit naughty.
    We like.
    Big fan.

    I agree with Jen, the see through does not do it for me either but I liked the collection as whole.
    So much clever detailing going on.
