
now that you know nao, it's time to know noa

I know what you're thinking: that's easy for YOU to say.

But if you consider yourself remotely fashion forward, you've simply got to know Noa. She's the brains (AND the beauty) behind Brains+Beauty. She's pint sized, even for a 13 year old*. She talks more, and faster, than I do, which is a strange experience for me, karmically speaking.

It's hard to follow her thought process at times, but I know where she's coming from: she just thinks so fast and has to get those thoughts out of her head, to make room for the new ones pouring in. She didn't want me to shoot her nails as they were such a wreck, but I just felt that SOMETHING had to be imperfect about her look, and find it absolutely charming: it's so... 13, you know?

So even tho we've spoken & emailed countless times, I still didn't get it straight who exactly made her tights: they're either hand painted BY a friend, or hand painted by someone and a gift from a friend... the dress is the Real McQueen, and she showed me that she shortened it, which seemed blasphemous somehow - it's her mum's dress for God's sake! - but she said 'That's okay, I bought it for her.' HOW? Noa is THIRTEEN! What is it, babysitting money? Is she even old enough to babysit?

She does make me laugh tho. She told me 'everyone says I'm the British Tavi, which is ridiculous...' I mean, just like you could not invent Tavi, you couldn't invent Noa. She is a force of nature: a law unto herself.

Noa was showing me the construction of this dress: McQueen designed it so that it looks like a spine is running down the wearer's spine. I don't know why, but for some reason, that breaks my heart. That's when the tragedy hit me. I can't explain, but somehow seeing how this dress is made.. how could the same being that created this art, not want to live and live and live, to go on creating tomorrow, and the next day?

Oh btw, when I admired her coat - it's that kind of curly black fur like substance that reminds me of closely clipped poodles - I told her I used to have one from my step-grandmother, Martha, and stupidly gave mine away. She then proceeded to tell me how she was related to the coat on her back: something like her great aunt's ex boyfriend's mum. OH and in the middle of this impromptu shoot, the girl in the previous post appeared in the blue McQueen leggings: how wild is that.

I don't know much, but I do know this: Noa packs a ton of brains, and beauty, into such a petite package.

*EDITOR'S CORRECTION: Apologies. I got Noa's age wrong. In her own words:

"one correction hahaha I am 14! Turning 15 in less then 2 months :):)
When I was 13 I certainly did not wear eye makeup hahahha"


  1. Love the dress. I mean REALLY love it...And the tights only a 13 year old could pull off- or maybe an 18 year old. Anyway, it's all too wonderful! And heart-breakingly amazing...

    I am so very confused. There are two Naos you've been shooting? Or did I misread on the other posts?

  2. Ha, no, this is NoA. The other girl - the stylist, from Japan, who wears shades of white, is NaO. Pronounced 'Now.'

    Just got a message from NoA.. she's 14!! Going on 15!! Must correct asap.

    I so miss you, Miz Odyssey!! xx

  3. she's so pretty! in a weird way i like that she altered the dress. i mean, it's not yours till you make it your own. it might be beautiful but until it's just right for you, why bother?
    very jealous of such a talented girl xx

    I wish I was this cool

  5. oh no no you can't be jealous of Noa!! she's so so nice. trust me, danniekate, eveline.. i don't know you, but i'm sure you're this cool, too. the thing about noa is, she's true to yourself. i really feel that anyone who is true to their essential being - i know this sounds weird but hear me out - who is true to themselves, AND has a generous spirit like she does - that's way cool.

    and beauty really does come from within.

  6. I love the print, very geometric which is a trend for the A/W 2010 collections, and best of all I have a coat like that (:

  7. You do? Is it your ex-step-grandmother's boyfriend's brother's neighbour's nanny, by any chance?

    Lucky you. I wish I'd never parted with mine. And I adored my step-grandmother Martha.

  8. I am ridiculously jealous of this outfit. How awesome are those tights?! She looks amazing!
    AND for her mum? Well that's put my mother's day card to shame...

  9. Loved the dress and tights but the make up has made her look years older.

  10. oh my goody goodness. jill you have captured this so perfectly. she is so lovely. she looks like such a freaking little style demon and then in that last photo she looks so sweet. her outfit is incredible. that dress, those tights, can we please ask her where those shoes are from?? they are like desert boots with a wedge heel. i really want some shoes just like that. please find out, and please don't come back and tell me they are more than 70 pound - in which case i'll be sad.

    absolutely stunning. one of my favourite outfits from london fashion hands down. xx

  11. I would love to know how she could just by this dress at the age of 14 !!! bloody hell.

    have to agree with a comment above not digging the makeup. but hey shes 14 she hasn't learnt the art yet!


  12. Wow she looks so lovely, and she's only 14! I wish I had a McQueen dress at that age!


  13. Wow! That is the prettiest and coolest skull I've ever seen! lol Lovely girl, her spirit shines in these pics.

  14. Very nice!And the smile on her face is just the perfect accessory!
    Following u, follow me too sunshin?

    "fashionably tasteful.have a bite"

  15. Ah so cute, is that an Alexander McQueen dress?

  16. OK, I see the correction w/ age (and name). Bless her, Noa is the cutest ever!

    Nao, then Noa- 2 very different girls featured almost back-to-back...and their names are nearly alike. This is a very neat almost-coincidence, J!

    And...awww, I miss you too! Can't we Skype soon? When are you back in FL?? As for me- maybe in May....?

  17. Very nice. These shots really capture her attitude

  18. I love the look. Especially the way she completes it with the stockings.

  19. Hey hon,
    sure, let's exchange links!!!

    "fashionably tasteful.have a bite"

  20. OMG - I used to own those tights - they are from a fancy dress store, in the halloween department. Nothing fancy at all, but oh so cool

  21. *SIGH* I saw this exact dress at the Decades Two sale, but it was way too large for me and I figured that altering it would ruin the print. So I passed. But seeing it again here makes me really sad I did. I can't believe she's so young, by the way.

  22. she looks fabulous! and so natural and young!

  23. the tights and that dress - too good to be true!
