
meow, nao

The cat's out of the bag: mystery solved. It's a shame I didn't do Nao's bag as a contest ('the wonderful world of nao'), as you've guessed correctly! In Nao's own words:

the bag is by LONGCHAMP as everyone says!
they know well!!
it was Longchamp x Charles Anastase (LFW catwalk designer, link here) limited edition bag.
i love his collection!!
i bought this in Dec last year, so the longchamp shop in bond street might still have some.
There was another pattern with ballet shoes on, but i liked catty one more!

(me again). Can you see - I hope I"ve made it large enough - he's even put slightly different colours in the whiskers! Love it.

When I met & shot Nao the first time - in the press room - it was crowded, and the lens I had that day meant I had to back up to get her all in. So I asked her to stand on the couch. But first, she didn't want to ruin it with her shoes, so she put newspapers under her shoes. I'm just saying: that's the kind of thoughtful girl she is.

I love seeing the progression of how people dress from one day to another. As you can see, Nao happens to be wearing the same cardigan on both days, with two different looks, but both, still very much her own voice.


  1. Hi,
    I really like this look, I love the way she has dressed the look down by wearing demin.
    I haven't posted anything in ages!
    I read the other day you were going to have cupcakes in Covent Garden, I was really disappointed I couldn't make it, I really like that place. It put it in my mind so on saturday when I had the chance I had to go and get one, peanut butter, was very nice.
    Hope you had a lovely time. And I shall try to keep up more with my blog etc, I've just been so busy!
    Lydia xxxx

  2. hello. so sorry i havent visited this site in a while. great new layout since i last visited. lovely style of this girl and the bag is so cool!
    have a lovely week.

    xx ediot

  3. I just love her look, J! More Nao please.
    And the bag is really special- meow!

  4. Hey love the de bag !!!!!!!

  5. Haha! I love your last comment! Meow, Nao would have been perfect!



  6. Actually.. unlike print, that's the beauty of blogging. Cecilie, thank you: I'm changing it! ; )

    thank you all. And Ediot, great to hear from you again. How are you?

    Lydia: we're going to do this again - a LOT. We might even go back on Friday, are you free? I really must try the peanut butter. I had espresso (with a coffee) & it was amazing: not too sweet but lots o' flavour.

  7. I cant wait to check out the longchamp shop when im back in zurich. i always love their limited editions (and their limited edition flats)
    and i also like the jeremy scott bag thoug its a lot more colourful than the cat and the ballet version

  8. Heavens, she is BEAUTIFUL. Je ne sais quoi galore.
