
big yellow taxi

A chance comment by the lovely Lucy, of Snippets of Shiny Thoughts, reminded me that today is Sketchbook's Pop Up Shop's last day. I had somehow felt I had time to go back (I've been a few times, but I still wanted.. more). And I feel really really sad that I won't be seeing it again.

Of course, I can, and will, still post about it afterwards, but the purpose of posting is to spread the word, so that people in London can POP ON OVER. Granted, I was home sick all week, but still.. it was there, I had time to see it, and now, because we've got plans today, I'll never ever ever again be able to pop by the first ever Sketchbook Pop Up Shop. I squandered my time, and now, by tomorrow, it will be gone.

It's like the lines to that Joni Mitchell song from the 70s: 'Don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you've got til it's gone? They paved paradise and put up a parking lot.' I know you don't care about seeing old songs before you were born, but since everything else from the 70s is back, including jumpsuits AND clogs.. and I wanted to embed a good version of Joni Mitchell singing Big Yellow Taxi but every time I go to youtube, my system crashes. I've lost so much time, and we'll be late if I don't post this.

Anyway, what are you doing on this beautiful day, sitting around mooning and playing old music on youtube? Or me, for that matter. It's a beautiful day! If you're in London, don't go crying to me that you wish you could have gone to Sketchbook but you had work blah blah blah: step away from the screen and go see for yourself.

If you're somewhere else in the world, my wish for you today is that you are PRESENT. It maybe be outdoors enjoying spring if you're in the northern hemisphere, or autumn if you're in the southern. You might have reason to be indoors. You might be visiting someone you cherish who is in hospital. But wherever you are, whatever you are doing, this moment won't last forever. Tomorrow, it will be gone. I hope today will be, for every one of you, paradise. Not a parking lot.

UPDATE: both Jen & Kit (Style Slicker) just informed me, they're open til mid May!! Yay! Now I can go on with my plans - which involve park & sunshine - without guilt. This was a guilt post. Sorry. But I still mean it about being present. And I still love that song, Big Yellow Taxi: can't stop singing it!! xox


  1. I wish I could have gone, but I get to feel I went through your fab posts!
    What a thoughtful post Jill, today I will be attempting to remove gloss paint from three of my dogs! But I am also just posting my new giveaway for Chanel nailvarnish, come join in xx Like you say sometimes its the little things!

  2. I will! I'm late anyway: and I'll soon be posting about this obsession we all have with nail varnish esp. Chanel's!! Thanks for letting me know.

    At least you're not removing Chanel nail varnish from.. did you say THREE of your dogs? How many do you have?????

  3. jill, it really is too funny reading this - you sound so sad... haha, but it isn't closing yet! it's staying open until mid may! so you've got more time! no need to be sad! xx

  4. GREAT NEWS!!!!

    We've been asked to stay for another month!! So please come back - we miss you!

    Rachel xx

  5. Oh I didn't realise!! That explains it!!! YAY!!! ; )

    So glad. So wishes DO come true. xox

  6. thanks for your lovely words Jill!
    I will facebook add you for sure and theres something i hoped you may be interested in getting involved with soon too!
    I've just found out too that theyre extending the shop! phew! i want to go back and hopefully get involved in some of the events there.
    I heard 21 april but looks like even longer! whoopee

    Thanks so much for your link too Jill, its very kind hehe, and yes i loved that tree too, really good to see things like this that spread awareness


  7. See! There's plenty of time to pop over the pop up shop :) :)
    Can't wait for their next programmes.
    Have a fab remaining weekend.
