

This is a strange moment, weather wise. Not just the volcano, but the fact that it's spring, but not as we know it. It's sunny, but it's cold.

But the volcano thing IS pretty freaky, and it's messing everyone about: my wonderful wonderful friend Annie invited me to join her & her family on holiday at a gorgeous house with an infinity pool in the Dominican Republic - I love to swim & love hanging out with Annie, but I didn't go - lucky thing, as I'd be flying today. AND ,my brother, a musician, is meant to fly to Buenos Aires for a concert, and his friend is meant to leave from London.. everyone's plans have changed. And yet: at the moment, not a cloud in the sky!

I feel Candace, who I met near Seven Dials, has got it just right: floral tights from Primark, with a nice vintage fur to keep warm. It works, don't you think? She works in that area (i.e. the West End) as a hairdresser.

We didn't chat long, but she was so sweet, patiently posing in a doorway because I couldn't get too far back with the traffic. She's so petite, and I love her ladylike, ballet shoes pose.

Had the strangest, feverish dreams: something about Style Slicker Kit and Park & Cube Shini in sorbet colours, and tweeting photos.. there were beautiful tweety photos that somehow had these magic power to cure illness and make people happy. It must be true because I'm starting to feel ready to go outside and see what's going on in that great big world. And see if any volcano ash falls upon my head in the process.

LOVE your comments about fashion age btw!! Please don't stop. The title, by the way, comes from the wikipedia description of Seven Dials: a place where seven streets converge. But there's also something weird about today: everything seems to be.. converging.


  1. adorable such a fresh face and look! loving the flower tights and coat of course!


  2. What a beautiful, cheerful face! She looks like she'd be a fun one to hang out with :)

  3. These are great photos, Jill!!

  4. look at her pout! oh she is gorgeous! love her lip colour and those wild blond curls. seriously lovely. also very cool how you've done the images on the side. am really like this. great great post.

    p.s. seriously, what IS up with this weather? it really is cold. definitely is making us all work extra hard to make our spring wardrobes function. xx

  5. It's a bit rubbish about the weather. Right now the sun is shining on my back, but I know that once I move from this one spot in my house, I'll be cold again!

    I saw those tights in Primark, wish I bought them. It surprisingly looks really good with the long fur coat!


  6. woah she's got the marilyn monroe look with a twist. Great lashes :)

    LOL at your feverish dreams, I think you have sixth sense (a happy sense).

  7. I acquired myself with a pair of similar tights to these. I love her look, its so simple yet eccentric.


  8. she is just too cute! looks a lot like the singer jewel.

  9. that coat and tights shouldn't work, but do! she has such a lovely smile. also, the whole fashion age thing? my friends say i look like a five year old going to a tea party, so i always wear some red nail polish or crazy tights to try and make myself look older! never works :)

  10. Nice... I like the vintage fur :)

  11. the look (in my opinion) would have been better with a pump
