
get your rah rahs out

The past two days have been GORGEOUS here in London, and yesterday was just magic: met up with Jen (the Style Crusader) then joined by a growing, incredibly wonderful group of friends: bloggers, mostly, but all with wonderful style. We had such a blast street shooting & eating cupcakes, and I kept shooting Jen in her rah rah skirt from Rare. (Mine is in the post, but that's for another post). I kept shooting her all day, shouting at her 'work it!' and cracking her up.

(btw: for those of you kids out there, my title is a really lame reference to a Rolling Stones' album cover. Ask your parents - or your grandparents - or, if you want some further reading, click here. God bless wikipedia!)

Weird coincidence: while I was posting this, I could hear Mr. Dot playing this song while patiently waiting for me to post so we can run out. It's a great song, please click on it because it really does fit this post. Jagger really does have innate great style. And he looks uncannily, exactly like Mr. Dot did when I met him in NY. Hence being here now, in London.

I LOVE Jen's ensemble and feel it is spot on perfect: the soft peachy nude pink flower petals of the skirt are balanced by the hard geometric lines of her black knit biker style jacket (I'll find out from where), then the white ribbed skinny 'wifebeater' tee (what is the WORD for them? I wear them all the time), black tights, white sneakers sans laces, and to make sure it's not too matchy matchy, brown leather Alexander McQueen bag. Oh and magenta nails. Can you top that!


  1. love that skirt- so cute!

  2. I love her expressions in these photos!! I didn't notice the nail colour, but love it! Great outfit.


  3. Dude, how fun is her outfit!!!! That is so rad!

  4. That's so cute! The skirt is so fun, and I love it paired with the black tights/sneaker combo. It's great!


  5. oh jill, thanks so much for featuring me on here! i love the photos you took (how saucy am i trying to be in that last one?). these show off the skirt so well! there is such great motion in that close up shot. i really love these and, you are so right, it was a magic day. xx

  6. love the skirt! so flirty and femme.
    how's your weekend, dot? xo

  7. Super cute look on Jen. Sorry that I've been so terrible at keeping up with your posts, Jill. Still in Japan but heading home early next week . . .

  8. love the petal skirt on Jen! you really have an eye for great details, JC. and i love how she wore them with black tights and simple sneaks. chic look! :)

    i missed your blog big time! will catch up on your posts now :)

    great inspirational street style shots as always!

  9. I love her outfit! Stylish yet comfortable. Being a skirt-person, I can't help but envy her skirt. :D

  10. Thanks Eva! No need to envy her skirt, tho: Rare are selling it online, it's really cheap - I'm getting one definitely. The link is in the text - just click on the coloured words.

    Noelle lovely to hear from you! Was just thinking of you, too. Will visit you, too.

    And PD: just enjoy Japan & we'll catch up when you've got more time. Hope it's a wonderful wonderful trip! Cherry blossoms in Japan: what could be more wonderful.

    Thank you all on Jen's behalf!
