
jumpin' jackie flash

More on the Cupcake Chronicles: as per yesterday's post, I met the delightful Jackie, the Platform Princess, at Ella's, in Covent Garden. Actually we're pretty sure we've already met @ fashion week, and I probably shot her, but anyway, after the sugar rush & the caffeine starting kicking in, it was time she got dotted.

God knows why, but I started getting all bossypants & shouting at her 'JUMP!' 'JUMP! but if you can imagine, Covent Garden was simply HEAVINg with tourists, and they kept ruining the shot, so I'd be like 'JUMP!' 'DON'T JUMP!' and the poor girl was getting exhausted. She finally gasped something like 'I'm not a good jumper' so I did some shots of her clinging to a post, to rest (you'll get them another time, Cupcakes, three is enough for one post).

Jackie has already posted about it. Kaz really made me laugh when she referred to my next 'jump victim', which is what I considered calling this post. Either that, or 'jump shots'. But then after yesterday's Stones reference, this one was too tempting to resist. As are Ella's cupcakes.

Speaking of which, I've got a great story about Ella's which I'll save for another post. Every time I try to embed the Stones' song of the same name, I crash. Which is probably the Goddess of My Understanding's way of saying, just post it, Jill, they know the song, it's a beautiful day, go out before it's dark.

What are you up to today? Whatever you're doing today, I urge you, take the time to a) smell some flowers, b) smile at a stranger, and c), jump!

Jumpin' Jackie Flash, btw, is wearing a white Reiss blazer, the perfect blue (not too warm, not too purple) Christopher Parnell shirt, Monki jeans, Mulberry shoes & vintage bag.


  1. Oooh, those cupcakes look delicious!!! There's a place down Carnaby Street that sells lovely cupcakes too, it might even be the same company :p


  2. She's so chic! That cream blazer is gorgeous and her jumping shots are adorable! Poor girl!


  3. What a gorgeous girl and what a geogeous outfit! You might be a bossy boots but hey, it worked, the shots look fantastic! I am off to check out her blog xx

  4. jackie is seriously gorgeous. i am seriously desperate to break into her flat and raid her shoe collection... and her whole closet. she has the most amazing clothes. was seriously hilarious watching you shout to her to jump... haha, these shots are too funny! and even though the whole jumping thing proved difficult she looks absolutely stunning! xx

  5. nice little clutch she wears...

  6. Thank you much Jill for featuring me on your gorgeous blog! I had so much fun and it was so great meeting you (all).
    Gosh I look so geeky in the shots, I'm such awkward subject, lol.

    Hope to see you for more cupcakes escapades soon.


    P.S, thank you all for your lovely comments.

  7. Ah, these pictures are absolutely gorgeous and Jackie certainly knows how to jump and look good.
    And I have a new favourite saying: "getting bossypants". This is great. *Snicker*

    Have a wonderful new week.

  8. Ha! ; ) (San). Have no idea where I pulled that phrase from.

    Jackie: it was so great meeting you, too! Thanks for being such a good sport. Don't worry about looking awkward jumping: practice makes perfect. Next time we should get you leaping off something.. a little wall perhaps.. in some kind of floaty skirt, don't you think? Or like Mary Poppins.. with a parasol. Just thinking out loud here.


  9. haha re Mary Poppins with a parasol, can't wait to see that moment! xx

    PS: Jumping Jackle Flash, love the caption-brilliant!
