
the good wife

Posting this during a quick television break from the Prime Minister election debates, which are surprisingly ho hum, and a show on restoring a country house hotel. I am loving the comments on the previous post! More, please! Even if you don't normally comment (that includes my sister & my mom) please do!

Jen the Style Crusader shot this the same cupcake day I shot her in her rah rah skirt. I was wearing the same thing when someone said that my look was very 'Celine' and wasn't I glad that Phoebe is back in charge? I honestly had to stop myself because.. well, this is one of the ways I always dress. Jen mentioned 'moth eaten jumpers' but this one I believe only has a teeny tiny moth hole. It is from the Gap, I think, and I have no idea how old it is, or if it was new or vintage when I got it. Under, I'm wearing an equally old pale pink long sleeved Gap tee shirt, and under that, a one piece lavender thing from American Apparel. My beloved vanilla/celery brogues are by Kate Kanzier and the socks, part of a package of three, in the most wonderful griegey colours were an impulse buy in the men's department of M&S when I was returning a bra that didn't fit right (and come to think of it, I wish I'd worn one that did, for this impromptu shoot: and while I was at it, washed my hair!)

The trousers were a sample sent to me by American Apparel HQ, and when I first saw them, I thought 'uh, middle aged surburban male losing his hair, not my thing.' But I am finding I love them! They're so comfortable, versatile... I'm really into wearing them with pearls, next, and jackets and Margaret Thatcher bow tie blouses. I must have one somewhere in the closet. Maybe these debates are getting thru to me, after all.

Ooh! The Good Wife is on. Gotta go. Sorry this post is so wordy, that's what happens when I'm a hurry: I type fast and don't edit and hey, presto, hit publish.


  1. Agree about the mediocrity of the PM debate, I want a bit of down and dirty. I am also a massive Good Wife devotee...that's my 4OD saver for dull nights.

    Am also veritably addicted to reading your blog; a daily must. Am just building up the courage to come along to a Friday cupcake event.

    Much Love


  2. Oh you must! Altho we're thinking of branching out into dim sum: as my husband, Mr. Dot said, the combination of caffeine, sugar, and a lot of (clever yet opinionated) women in one space could be pretty intense.

    Will keep you posted: nothing this week but anyone reading this: sample sale @ sketchbook tomorrow @ 1:30! Will go if I'm sneeze-free.

    Back to the Good Wife.. the debates are much more fun on Westminster live, frankly. xo

  3. This is a really nice picture of you!! :)

  4. yey! so glad you've got a photo of yourself up on here! and hooray that it was one taken my me. so glad one came out alright! love it, love it. i know that jumper isn't actually moth-eaten but the whole look of non-chalant moth-eaten jumpers is very you. love it to bits. xx

  5. ha! at this point, i don't think there is anything in our home that isn't moth eaten (except thank god they don't go near mr. dot's closet). jen i can't wait to show you my invention with blended nail polish!

    adrielleroyale: thank you ; )

    oops: commercial over.

  6. I love the trousers with the brogues; it looks so preppy :)
    And when I read the title I first thought you were talking about yourself, it goes well with the outfit I think!

    xxx and sorry I couldn't make it last Friday; I was in Scotland!!

  7. I always wanted to see how stylish you were! good on Jen. I'll look at your other post :D
    polka dot devotee, jaime needs to get back on track with your posts! :)


  8. J'adore this look, very Celine-isque. It's the type of style I would go for when I go on shoots, nice and laid back.

  9. OK, love the colors here together (yes, very Celine), and no the pants do not say "middle aged man losing his hair"!!
    As for the sweater- classic. I have a few like that myself...somewhere...will need them again next winter (hey, I'm going to get seasons again!!)
    And I'm jealous of your brogues. What a great color.
    Glad to see you post yourself again. You know I like your style almost as much as I like you, J! (and thanks for the email today...it made me smile, amid a sinus infection..ugh.)

  10. Love those trousers. IMO you have to be slender to pull them off or they will look like you thought they might. These remind me of the cool mod sharkskin trousers. Which is a very good thing.

  11. you look sooooo lovely!!! great picture!

  12. Love this look Jill! I think it suits you perfectly. You've managed to combine so many soft colours into one outfit, but love how you've broken it up with those beautiful trousers!


  13. You look gorgeous. I love this clean look; the trousers are very chic.


  14. ahh the good wife(love the show-didn't realize you got it in England... I also thought you were referring to yourself and wondered what Mr. Dot was up to...... Jill you look great- always good to see you- love the look- very comfortable- great trousers.

  15. You are so cute Jill... I love this relaxed and laid-back look. xoxo

  16. I like your look . . . Very all American.

  17. Wow, great photo! great look too. So glad to hear you are on the mend.

    Jill, you have such a timeless and effortless look. very casual, very comfortable, very elegant and sophisticated. you ooze confidence and poise. not easy to do, unless you are you i guess.

    XO charles

  18. How chic you look, Jill. I cannot love those Kanziers enoughhh.

  19. Ooh. I am looking hungrily at those trousers. That's exactly what I'm needing these days.
