

Met my newish friend Indigo Clarke, a fashion journalist from Australia, based in NY (Williamsburg, Brooklyn, to be precise) at the V&A, for coffee & muffins & chit chat, just before she flew off to Paris Fashion Week. I love her quirky yet worky individual sense of style.

She's off soon to LA, lucky girl, to interview Rodarte. Can't wait to read all about it.

. . .

p.s. this just in from Indigo:

Thanks for all the sweet comments (though I think I look awful - so tired after the fash wk reviewing)! My dress is by my fave Australian label LOVER - their stuff is just beyond divine! I'm going to LA this week to interview the Rodarte girls for BON Magazine - so keep your eyes out for it! They are lovely girls, I've interviewed them a bunch of times over the years for AnOther Magazine, Oyster Magazine, Russh Magazine, and they are always a pleasure to hang out with! xx Indigo


  1. aww such a cute look! Looks a bit like Lilly Allen!

    Swamped in Flowers <3

  2. You really do have the most stylish friends!

  3. Shes so cute, and soooo lucky!!

    I just posted the duck egg blue chanel nail varnish I mentioned - http://fashionpearlsofwisdom.blogspot.com/2010/04/summer-make-up-la-chanel.html
    I think it is the perfect summer shade x

  4. I agree, she does look like Lily Allen!


  5. she looks cool :)


  6. she has the whole cute package; the hair & bangs, the outfit and her smile. I love her eyes.

  7. she really does look like lily allen :) i love how happy and open she looks in these pics, so jealous of the rodarte interview though!

    oh, polka dot, apparently there isn't really a verb for sticking paper fish on people, the closest thing is to "pesce" them! xx

  8. i just assumed it was lily allen!

  9. she looks like such fun. interviewing the Rodarte sisters..lucky indeed!

  10. She is gorgeous! Happy Easter xx

  11. I thought she was L.Allen!
    actually he is beautiful!

  12. I love her hair! What a cute dress!

  13. Oh, thank you all on Lily (I mean Indigo)'s behalf ; ) Hope you're all having a delightful Easter & 'bank holiday weekend'.

    Pearl, I agree: that's the colour! I wonder what Vague means in French.

    Speaking of Pearl: everyone please go vote for her on a facebook contest! It's all here: http://fashionpearlsofwisdom.blogspot.com (on her sidebar).


  14. Thanks for all the sweet comments (though I think I look awful - so tired after the fash wk reviewing)! My dress is by my fave Australian label LOVER - their stuff is just beyond divine! I'm going to LA this week to interview the Rodarte girls for BON Magazine - so keep your eyes out for it! They are lovely girls, I've interviewed them a bunch of times over the years for AnOther Magazine, Oyster Magazine, Russh Magazine, and they are always a pleasure to hang out with! xx Indigo

  15. Excellent, thank you Indigo!! Will just add verbatim to the post. Safe trip & can't wait to read it. jCx
