
penny for your thoughts

Dani, my friend from college days, is probably the coolest person I know. Not just style: she just has this innate trend predicting.. gift. It's an absolute gift.

For example, she and her equally cool husband, 'M', were visiting from NY a while ago, and when we were in Liberty, she wanted to see shirts & dresses with the little iconic flower print. They didn't have them: they had everything else, but no longer stocked them. Which is a shame, because, sure enough, the 'Liberty' type flower prints are back.

Case in point: Penny, who I saw on this banquette as my husband, Mr. Dot, and I were rushing in to see a film, on Fulham Road. I asked him to go on in as I just had to shoot her. I mean, it was a dark, cold late afternoon (last weekend) and there she was, with bare legs, that knitted cap.. she just looked so fabulous, so chic without trying. A bit Lolita, a bit grunge. With a medical twist.

She doesn't remember where the dress is from, ('It's from.. uh, somewhere.') She pointed to her little purse, though, and said, helpfully: 'This is Ferragamo.'

I didn't want to pry - I didn't know if she was a permanent cripple, or what the story was, but she cheerfully told me no, it's temporary, she just tore her foot in half thru a plate glass window. No, I don't have a clue why (the film was starting). I asked if she was in pain and she politely said yes. A charming older gentleman who was perhaps her father, grandfather, husband, or lover, arrived as I took the shots and dashed in. A few minutes later, we saw the two of them, Penny struggling to get up the steps. I hope she's feeling much better, she's an absolutely lovely girl. Don't you think?

Thank you for your comments: running around, will reply shortly. Hope you're having a lovely, healthy, accident free Bank Holiday Weekend, and Happy Easter, Passover, and whatever else you may be celebrating! xx


  1. Jill have you seen the Devil Wears Prada? I love the whole scene where Meryl Streep gives her the lecture on the colour cerulian!!!
    Your colour book sounds just my thing, can you tell me the title and authour?
    I dont think you can vote twice but you can vote a least once for each set so thats 3 votes in all - thanks again for your help xxx

  2. Oooh that must have hurt!!

    She looks quite pixie-ish, I really like her look


  3. She does look cool but in a cold kind of way. A summers day dressing, I am shivering just looking at her. Hope she recovers well.

  4. She does look like a pixie! I think it's because of the tassle on her hat :p And the bag is gorgeous
    R xo


  5. she looks so cute :)

  6. That's so sweet, I hope the Pixie reads your get well wishes.

    Pearl, the book is called simply Colour, by Victoria Finlay. My copy was published in 2002 by Sceptre, and if you can't get it on eBay I'd contact the publisher - maybe they can re-print it. She's our kind of writer: British, studied social anthropology, journalist in Hong Kong for 11 years, then back in the UK.

    (Yes I loved that scene in the DWP: I think it was possibly in the book, too. The book was great, possibly better than the film.)

  7. poor thing, she makes crutches look cool though :) i'm so going to make up a cool nickname for my husband when i'm married! xx

  8. oh i'm desperate for it to be warm enough for my to bust out my pale little white legs and team them with little floral dresses. she looks lovely.

    hope you've had a great weekend jilly jill. xx

  9. Love the post! And just to let you know I've given you the sunshine award! :)


  10. she somehow reminds me of Kate Hudson.

    just passing by your blog and I have to say I love it....can't wait to check out more of such cool posts!

