
what's wrong with sex?

Sometime last week, I put this post up, and for some reason, no one commented. At all. So, after a few hours, I took it down, embarrassed. I thought perhaps it was the title (sex). Mr. Dot, my husband (who went to the event with me) said it was because 'the stop shot is blurry, JIll, and people don't like blurry shots.' He also helpfully said that it's too long.

Even tho it is a bit of scroll down, I liked the let them eat cake aspect of the night (I've just seen Sophia Coppola's Marie Antionette again, and I'm so inspired by the colours) but I've also been in that head: how luxurious all our lives feel sometimes, and some of the fur and bling I saw that night, contrasted with the casualness of other people's dress..

So this is an experiment: I'm posting it again, but with the blurry shot 2nd down. Let's see if anyone comments this time, otherwise, 24 hours from now, down it goes. Again.

Phillips de Pury throw the best parties.

The art auction house are in partnership with the Saatchi Gallery, and have a vast white modern space on Howick Place, near Victoria Station. Their launch parties have the most stylish, arty people. Last summer, for example, they had a great party ('life imitating art', 'fancy footwork') where they served little classic English canapes: miniature tea sandwiches, tiny Battenburg cakes and other iconic miniature British desserts.

So when we were recently invited to a show simply titled Sex, how could I not go?

The art, which ranged from the beautiful to some quite explicit and shocking works, were by artists like Allen Jones, Jack Pierson, Sigmar Polke, Trace Emin, And Andy Warhol. The auction has come & gone (19th March) but just wanted to show you these because the range - from the most casual (old jeans) to quite luxe.. well, Andy would have loved it: it was a bit decadent, but the energy & the buzz was such fun.

Lovely cocktails (strong alcoholic, or non) with tropical notes like vanilla and lime, and while it was cold and rainy and gloomy outside (hence a lot of boots, and monochromic black and grey), inside, it was pretty hot.

We almost didn't go: we had other plans for that night: actually, I was torn between two plans. Sometimes, I find, the only way to break a stale-mate in conflicting plans is to introduce a Third Option.

(Oh, btw: I wore my faux fur chocolate brown jacket, one of the slightly stretchy bespoke sleeveless nude dresses I had made for me years ago - simple, Jackie O style - black opaque tights & a pair of old vintage suede pumps, with bows. What would you have worn?)


  1. Love the pics! they are really nice, and blurry pics are so cool there is sth mysterious about them:)

  2. i really like the way the person in the first shot is standing, so much 'tude :) also love the drink shot! xx

  3. it is a nice change to see "not so decent and proper" posts in blogs
    to see that people feel that it is not a taboo talking about anything really
    loved the post, and don't be discouraged about the comments
    one cannot just please everyone
    but you sure pleased me:)
    keep it going!!!

  4. Aw Jill your so funny, I usually see most of your post but I didnt see the 'sex' maybe you took it off too quick?
    I like the blurries, I love how her little gold bag pops out like a view from a roller coaster little things just catch your eye. I really like that little bomer jacket thing in the first pic too xx

  5. To be honest, I definitely don't like blurry shots - if a blogger can't be bothered to take decent photos then I can't be bothered to look at them.

    But in saying that, I don't think these are too bad, but it would have been nice to see clearer photos of the subjects you took... your blog is one of the best on-the-street fashion I've come across so you have a loyal fan in me :)

  6. Thank you for the honest feedback, Extraordinaire. I couldn't click on your blog or profile - it's blocked - so have to reply here instead. Hope you see this.

    Really grateful for your support, and I do relish constructive criticism like this. I'm struggling at the moment when shooting indoors because I hate flash - hate the intrusion on people enjoying an event, but also hate the harsh look. Sometimes, like in these photos, I like the sense of SOME blurs but the problem is simply that when light is low - and this was very low - the camera has to shoot slower, and blurs occur.

    I prefer to shoot in film, as I can control this a bit more, but the more I get to know my digital camera, hopefully the more control I'll get.

    Hope to hear from you again. And good to hear from you, -h! I thought you'd like those boots. I wish I had the time to ask her where she got them - and to get a shot of her from the front. I loved her dress, too.
