
beware the sirens, sailors

Sometimes I really can't believe what a hypocrite I am. You really mustn't believe a word I say. It's not that I'm a liar.. I've known people who are compulsive liars, that's different. I can't lie because it's too much work, keeping one's story straight, and besides, I always end up laughing or smiling & giving myself away.

But I do say things that are entirely untrue. Contradictory in terms.

Take, for example, a little thing like the Topshop breakfast on Tuesday. We arrived at the new Knightsbridge shop, were on the list, came in. Lovely. They offered us tasty morsels to eat and drink. All good.

Saw lovely items, like this sparkly cascade dress for £150. Lovely: like being in a light, spacious, fashion museum. Still good.

Saw the cute little dog..

..Chatted a bit with people like Liz (above), and everyone said the same thing: have a look around, TRY THINGS ON..

...As we wafted up the spiral staircase, where cute guys were doing finishing touches like polishing up the chrome, I confided to Bianca 'I don't know what the fuss is about, frankly. I mean: it's just a shop! I don't even like to shop.' 'Me neither,' she admitted. 'I buy everything onine.' I glanced at her and thought, I don't even do that. I mean, apart from my recent purchases - which I was wearing - £10 breton top from Zara, and a pair of 'vintage' jean shorts from H&M, I haven't bought anything in a coon's age.

Then I saw them. And my heart stopped.

And then.. it all became a blur.. someone whispered in my ear 'Would you like to try them on?'

I'm sorry to stop you here, but it's a gorgeous day, and Mr. Dot wants to get in the car so we can leave town and go swimming for the day. I'll continue the story later, I promise. I'm afraid if I post too many photos it will take forever for you to upload. I'm off into the sun but before I go: Not Just Medical is back, and I love her post, In The Sun.

Hope you're starting off the most perfect weekend, wherever you are! xo


  1. gorgeous shoes! God knows how much i'm addicted to wedges! the colour is LOVE

  2. this is amazing! i LOVE THOSE SHOES! i am soo gutted that i wasn't there with you that day. it looks incredible. i think when you don't shop often when you find something that stops you in your tracks it is so much more special and important. these are insanely incredible. i'll try not to pry them off your feet next time i see you. xx

  3. HAha. Actually, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Just couldn't fit it all in one post. I forget: are we the same shoe size?

    Thanks, Tuesday! I thought the colour was VAGUE. : )

  4. I love these shoes, in fact I've been scouting for them in beige myself, I think they come with white lacer's...... this color is so you polka dot! xx

  5. Sometimes I would like to dislike going shopping. I would have more money and whenever I actually bought something, it would be something that I love and not like the myriads of pieces that are in my wardrobe that don't go with anything.
    The shoes are beautiful and they look adorable with the outfit that you are wearing.

  6. Love your articles Jill, always a good laugh and it is exactly what i needed as I have just spend the last 5 hours working and something not soo interesting and pretty :)

    We are all always trying to ignore and contradict the fact that we love shopping and are compulsive buyers haha


  7. looking great on ya, hehe! i guess it was love at first sight! i know that feeling too well!

  8. You're so funny - cute shoes and pretty nudish brownish dark peach like dress :)
    (How's THAT for color naming?!?! LOL!!)

  9. Ohmygosh, those shoes are totally EPIC. *love*
    You look fab. =)

  10. Hahaha! I truly love this narration... and that is such a gorgeous pair of shoes. I love your outfit... so cute.

    PS... of course you can use those "pink" pics... just let me know when you plan to post the May Flower so that I can properly link it in my post. Have a great weekend! xoxo

  11. Very cute outfit- I love black tights with a white skirt or dress. And the shoes- the shoes! Score!! Thanks for taking us through the new Topshop with you :)

  12. this post made me really laugh. lovely blog! looking forward to your next post! :)

  13. Those shoes would have stopped me dead in my tracks. They kind of did when I scrolled down. Actually, I noticed them first thing in your first photo and thought - "Jill is rockin' some awesome wedges". So, be contradictory. It's one of the joys of life.

  14. Love these shoes... tried on the black versions, swooned at them and sadly put them back on the shelve due to lack of funds! If they are still there on payday... they will be on my feet faster than you can say God bless phillip green!

  15. Haha I've just been to topshop about two hours ago and as I was walking past the shoe lounge I overheard 3 girls going absolutely mental. And guess what, their obect of desire where those wedges.

  16. Those shoes are gorgeous!!!!

    Hope your having a great weekend!

  17. they are super lovely! i want some wedge heeled trainers so bad. also, is that dog called butters? x

  18. My friend was wearing those shoes yesterday! I love them in pink too :)


  19. Almost forgot to check out the gorgoeus shoes, because of your gorgeous legs. the store must be amazing. x
