
copper tone

Sorry to keep you hanging with my Knightsbridge Topshop breakfast story. Just back from the pool, we're having a quiet night in, Mr. D's gone to get a film, just putting up a quick post from last Sunday. It was right after I met Roz & her mum & did a quick shoot on top of Primrose Hill, and it was a lovely Sunday morning on the high street in Primrose Hill. We were having an impromptu coffee outside with a friend, when a couple strolled by, arm in arm.

I sprinted after them and asked to shoot her. She's Dutch, he's Italian, she looked at him, he said 'Go on, sure.' She got all shy and said she doesn't take good photos.

'Of course you do!', said I. I tried to show her on my view finder, because I was already shooting her. I promised I'd send her the photos first, and she could look at my blog, and I assured her that I wouldn't post anything she wasn't comfortable with. Then I realised I'd left my cards, notebook, and pen back with the guys. So her boyfriend gave me his card.

Which I put in my jeans. Which Mr. Dot, later, in a fit of domesticity, washed. I thought I'd try to get at least his company name from the wad of mushed paper, but there was nothing in any of the pockets. And I hadn't transferred it into my bag. His card is gone. All I know is his first name is Guiseppe.

So if you know this girl: PLEASE send her my way! I hope she doesn't mind. I think she looks fabulous. I have no idea why she was so dressed up on a Sunday morning. Perhaps they had lunch plans, or perhaps it was her Saturday night outfit. I can so remember what that was like in NY: on any given work day, I'd have a little black dress rolled up in my bag, in case my dinner plans suddenly turned into clubbing after. And on Saturday night, of course no one gives a thought to how those same clothes will look in the light of day.

All I know is, she looked happy, Guiseppe looked happy, and this mix of copper leather jacket, the same tone as her hair and nails, bare legs, green and black lace dress and little black pumps is just so un matchy, so not trying too hard... a perfect ensemble, for day or night.

So.. as you get dressed to go out tonight, girls: how will it go down at your local brunch spot tomorrow morning? : )


  1. such cute photo shoot! she looks adorable and fun! love the 3 set one...

  2. perhaps they were either going to (or coming from) church?

  3. oh this is gorgeous! i love how she is laughing and looks so coy. these are great. she definitely looks totally beautiful and photographs really well. i love the green shade of her dress with the black lace over top. very regal looking. really great combination of photos! xx

  4. EllaPhante: that's what I love about it: it could be anything! I stupidly didn't ask at the time because I knew I'd be in touch. I figure if I put up here, and put it out there - into the ethernet - somehow, it will find them, and the story will be revealed ; )

    I once photographed someone at the moment she & her boyfriend were breaking up. She told me after. She'd flown into London from another to surprise her and - she told me after, because we became friends - he was just dumping her at the moment I ran over and introduced myself. At the time, I just knew something was wrong: I rushed thru the shot, but she got in touch.

    In this case: they definitely seemed like a hapy couple.

    Thanks Jen, Some Style, Blindcopy!

  5. Jill, what I love about your blog is you not only shoot street style, but characters too!
    The photos all look real, all the smiling and movement shots. I haven't seen that on many other fashion blogs, so I think that makes yours stand out.
    Oh, and I love her lace dress! It's quite funny, I recognize the location of these photos!
    I adored the shoes in your last post, aah, they were literaly divine!
    Hope you're well and enjoying the good weather.


  6. I love how natural these photos are.

    Lydia xxx


  7. She's so naturally beautiful. I love this series of pictures! They sound like a very cute couple.

    Thank you for featuring my post in your last post, I've been trying to give myself a layout overhaul today and hadn't had the chance to look at everyone's blogs!

    Looking forward to meeting you on Tuesday!


  8. pretty. she has an infectious smile, and appears to be giggling and giddy. charming! she seems a bit shy, which adds personality to the pics.
    pretty dress, worn almost nonchalantly with that caramel colored leather jacket.

  9. I hope you find her, because I am sure she would love to see these vibrant pictures, she looks beautiful!
    UO x

  10. Lovely!! She's so giggley! lol cute :)

  11. "infectious smile" is what I was going to say too. she is sooooo very cute! very honest, almost child-like (in a very good way) smile. the kind that would brighten up anybody's day! hope she finds you!
