
russian gold

First, big hug & thank you to those of you who are commenting - you know who you are. I wish I could visit your blogs too, and reply, but you know what it's like on holiday: quick trips to the internet cafe, and so on. I'll catch up with you soon, and hope you're having a lovely summer wherever in the world you are.

Okay, here's the story: we're (Annie & I and her boys) are meant to leave this lovely house on the sea near Cabrera, Dominican Republic, at 07:00 tomorrow. But Puerto Rico has closed it's airports, the one road to Santa Domingo airport a few hours away was flooded last night, and there's a chance we might have to cut our trip short a day and get down there today somehow, & stay in a hotel.

Of course, I want to soak up every minute. I want to swim in the rain again. I don't want to leave.

Once I do, tho, I'll have all the time in the world to post more holiday shots, but there's a ton I didn't show you before I left. For example, Viktoria, who was visiting from Moscow - it was her last day in London (she's a PA to the head of a Russian bank, not a model or an actress, to my surprise). She's lovely lovely lovely, like a petite porcelain doll, and really nice - we've been emailing, her English is incredible.

I met Viktoria when Jen (Style Crusader) came into town just before I left, and altho I didn't shoot anyone that day, when I saw Vicky we just had to get the cameras out. For all I know Jen has already posted about her - I haven't had the luxury of time to go to anyone's posts. And as you can see, my words are written in haste and neither witty nor profound.

Apologies. I can't even think straight to edit these down - I'm sure I'm forgetting to post the best shots of her - all I want is to go back to the pool and the beach, and the other beaches Annie's told me about that we might not get to see this time round. All I want is to stay here, and to come back. I have fallen in love with the DR!

Viktoria's gorgeous gold dress is by arinov & fedyshin. Here's a link she sent me of some of their fabulous frocks on sale. She said they're a little known brand, even in Moscow, so please check their blog out, too.

Can you see the details on her finger and toe nails? She did them herself - 'a little hobby of mine'. Please give her a shout out, I'm hoping she'll become part of our blogging world, as she's a real sweet human being.

When I next post, I might be on the end of Long Island. Neither Annie nor I - who are flying separately to JFK - are thrilled about flying in a storm. Even Toby was asking how it works if there's lightening (apparently planes get struck by lightening all the time). Well, she promised me a Caribbean adventure, and we're certainly having one! Having the most splendid time, and wish you were all here.


  1. jill, this post is gorgeous! you captured her so well. she is stunning! i haven't actually put my post up on her yet. must do it though. good luck and safe travels. totally know how you feel about not wanting to leave - there is nothing that makes me happier than laying by an ocean somewhere. ah... holidays. wonderful. enjoy yourself! xx

  2. oh thank you jj!!! yeah, it's bliss. it is truly paradise here, tropical, primordial, wonderful people.. just love this country so much.

    we're leaving the cafe now. love your new blog, will figure out how to follow you on it once i'm on long island.

    miss you sweet pea!! xo

  3. Isn't she adorable?! And so chic too :) Lovely photos.

    Have a fab last day on the beach.

  4. This dress is stunning. My friend went to the Dominican Republic last year and she said its one of the most wonderful places ever.

  5. Her dress and bow are great, and she adorable too! Her eye make-up is stunning as well, i could keep going!

    Enjoy the rest tof your hols and hope the storm clears. x

  6. Flying in a storm would scare the shit out of me! Why are Russian girls so pretty? she is gorgeous!

  7. Viktoria's dress is awesome! And she totally looks like a model.

    I hope you can enjoy your last days in Puerto Rico. Hope they've opened the airport!



  8. I love the dress- it reminds me of some of the pieces that my grandmother had in her dress shop years and years and years ago.

    All the pictures from DR are making me want to go there- it seems so beautiful and relaxing! By odd coincidence I will be flying into Manhattan this weekend- you are worrying about storms and I am hoping the thunder and lightening hold off until we land so I don't get stuck in The Endless Holding Pattern Of Doom.

  9. ha, cute toe nails..lovely images, as always! glad to here you are on Vaca, but sad the airport got closed and you have to cut short! hope you still had a great relaxed holiday! greets!

  10. Your dress is beautiful, and your nails are super cute!!

  11. i agree, Vika looks like a little porcelain doll. i love her ring! and nails of course, i can barely get myself paint my own nails. can't even imagine doing all that. beautiful!

  12. That dress is so gorgeous!!!!


  13. very good photos, the dress looks great from every angle, neither too revealing, nor hiding, very comfortable and chic looking

  14. Aw what a cute dress! She's so pretty you've captured her really well!

  15. oh my gosh, she's absolutely adorable! i love her posture, she just seems to hold her self with so much confidence and sophistication, but then she still looks really sweet! so glad you had an amazing time! sadly, it's not summer in my part of the world, but i try to enjoy it regardless!

    love steph xox
