
whatever lola wants

Greetings from the eastern tip of Long Island - the North Fork, where I hear the sounds of the birds on the deck next to me, and the sea below. I've gone from one house on the sea to another. We're leaving soon for the city (NY, that is) then going straight on to Tranquility NJ to see our dear dear friends the Kissanes. Can't wait. But before I leave, I'm trying to get up a post that I'd started in Cabrera, but hadn't had a chance to post.

Meet Lola, the black dog. She's the one on the right. Ninja, also a female, is on the left. Apparently the females are abandoned more often because they're more trouble: they breed puppies.

As I wrote then: "Typing this as fast as I can from a fab internet cafe in Cabrera, Dominican Republic, sipping cafe con leche and listening to soothing muzak in Spanish. I CAN'T BELIEVE how gorgeous it is here, how much we've packed into such a short time. Annie's gone to pick up the boys from baseball practice, and I just have to let you know what kind of generous spirit is my friend Annie: these two dogs were abandoned for the summer so she's taken them in. She's also taming them and especially as she's also adopted a tiny kitten, she's trying to keep everyone friends."

And because the colours tie together - it's so in keeping with the architecture and flora and fauna of this amazing world - this is a shot of our lovely cat, Tigger, who I call Pooh Reincarnated, who is home in London with Mr. Dot. He saw me packing to leave for the DR, and pulled down the towels and managed to wrap himself in this shot, as if to say 'what kind of monster are you, to leave one so adorable.'

There's just too much to show you. The view from this house - the water is everywhere, the scene below our bedroom windows, the living room.. porches and decks.. it's just heaven. On earth."

As I pack once again for a few days away, trying to pack light for a heat wave, I'm inspired by the colours of the DR: tropical colours, neturals, browns, caramels. I'm going to keep this colour scheme thru winter and fall: the pop of brights against the browns that will be so much in vogue (speaking of, it IS in Vogue: I've had my sneak preview copy of August with me on this trip).

Mr. Dot is here with me now on the North Fork, our reincarnated cat is back in London, Lola and Ninja, the dogs, back with Nina the rescue kitten at the magic house near the sea in Cabrera. Now I'm here, soon I'll be gone. Different house, different sea. Still heaven, on earth.

Wishing you all a heavenly weekend, wherever on this earth you may be. Thank you for visiting, and leaving your comments. I'm reading them all, even if I don't have the luxury of replying. Sunglasses by the way, from Fabris Lane.


  1. aww...cute kitty..lovely images and place! wishing you a great vacation still...

  2. i can feel the serenity and peacefulness of place in your DR photos.

    re: the doggies in the caribbean...different world, different mentality about animals in general (there ARE exceptions). it used to break my heart to see so many abandoned and lonely, frightened dogs and cats roaming the streets of tortola. it's often the expats who take them in. thank goodness for people like your dear friend annie, for giving them a home and loving kindness.

    terrific post as always, Jill. if you get a moment, call or email. let me know how to reach you stateside! xo

  3. looks like you are having a wonderful time Jill! enjoy yourself! xx

  4. What lovely pictures the animals look so sweet. Glad you made it OK, I heard the weather was real bad in DR.

  5. Lola is a beautifffulll dog.

    I checked out Fabris Lane in a department store a few weeks ago...very nice sunglasses!


  6. cute kitty/dogs!
    what will happen to them after the visit is over?
    anyways seems like paradise, have fun!


  7. so, so, so beautiful. love the picture with your reflection. and - of course - i can never get enough dog/cat pics. indeed, heaven on earth!

  8. oh my gosh it looks so lovely.... jealous!!! i'm stuck indoors writing a dissertation :( xxx

  9. Have fun dear Jill :)
    So cute cute the black cat!!!
    Greetings from EspaƱa.

  10. hey, you must be in transit. when are you going home? your pics are beautiful and they make me want to be somewhere like that. hope to read your new post soon! take good care of yourself!
