
bits of vague

Posting this from the North Fork of Long Island: two shots from the villa in the Dominican Republic, a few weeks ago: one in my bedroom, the other from the terrace at the house next door. Apologies to those of you who are coming to my blog seeking fashion tips: I'm on holiday and, it seems, my blog is, too. I do occasionally find someone street style worthy, but mostly, everyone I'm hanging out with is a) in water and b) in swimsuits.

So instead I'm choosing photos by colour schemes, which might perhaps inspire your fashion palate, or perhaps, not.

Today's colour lesson: bits of turquoise, or as Chanel would call it, Vague. Which I find weird, frankly, as the colour is anything but. To me, it's rather specific.

Just back from the tip of the North Fork, Orient Point, where Mr. D did a quick impromptu fashion shoot of me. Will upload at a later date. Just ate a yummy lunch & off for a swim! Happy summer, dear Dots.


  1. happy summer, indeed! this color is just so me. yum...bring on the "vague", or as we call it "turquoise" or "aqua"!
    i do miss being surrounded, literally, by that luminous color. so what i will do is paint my toes tomorrow in chanel vague...just because. :)

  2. Hi, Jill:
    Great shot of your pedicure on the stone floor.
    Lovely colour combo.

    The nail colour "Vague" is French for wave. "As a noun Vague (for the sea wave, emotions and events)".

    Louise aka Anon.

  3. glad you are having a great time! I love that nail colour although I have rarely worn mine as I feel it is a bit young for me! My daughters have no problem with it, however!

  4. Where is the london street style google promised?
