

This recent trip to our friends in Tranquility, perhaps more than any since we've moved to London, has really moved me. Playing in the river, hanging out with Ben and Julie, brother and sister, as adults - when I've known them since they were toddlers - has really made me realise how quickly life goes by. A blink of an eye.

Above, Julie, and below, me. As in the previous post, shots of me by Maryann.


  1. jill are these recent photos or old ones? that one of you is beautiful! is there an inch of fat on your tiny body?! am thinking this might be an old photo... otherwise you've cut your hair! (without me!) xx

  2. haha no this is from a million years b.c. (before hair cut) which reminds me: i'm holding out for another cut for when we're both back in london! before we went out to eat saturday night i quickly took a scissor to my fringe, but apart from that, it's the same cut.

    i'm a little more fit than when you saw me last - this was me @ the same place (tranquility mills) but many years ago. shot by my friend maryann from previous post. i know it's confusing.

    can't send emails so my best way to reply is by commenting - altho, who knows if you're reading this. we also have no cell phone reception here on the north fork. it's also gorgeous here. so many shots to post!!!

    miss you - now to visit YOUR blog! xo

  3. aww, those are such lovely pictures. particularly enjoying the flamingos...

  4. These pictures from your trip to the DR and on the north fork have been sublime to view and follow your blissful adventures. I was on the Cape for a mini-vacation while you were in Tranquility and then at a cousins reunion while you were on LI but will try to reach you before week/day is done. I am glad to finally see a shot of Maryann after all these years and she is beautiful! The ones of you, also, old and new. Hi to Mr. Dot and Mom. xox Anonymous Dot

  5. I never thought people actually had pink flamingos in their garden, but I know better now! That shot of you is so great, and that car is a beaut!


  6. Hey Saskia ; ) yeah, I forget why they had them at the time - these are old shots (being there recently has brought back such powerful memories - when we lived in NY I used to go there all the time). When I get back to London I want to dig up old colour slides & scan them in, I used to do all kinds of self portraits, and Maryann is a great photographer.

    I do remember they were briefly there - it was someone named Teddy's vintage car, so maybe he brought them. We were being ironic. But yes, people DO have pink flamingos in America. Still. I'm pretty sure.

  7. That pink flamingo is awsome I always wanted one for some reason! x
