
hedvig shows some leg

Hello world, just resurfaced. Got the Lag, and got it bad. It was really, really hard to leave, but there are some good reasons to be back in the Nation's Capital, and one big one is style. I saw it from the moment we were @ the gate @ JFK: nothing against NY, of course - we lived there forEVER - but I feel the style there is a bit.. safe. I'm not even saying that British style is necessarily British girls (or boys) - a city is always an amalgamation of every culture on the planet. But for me, in my opinion, what is going on in London is the same thing that happened in, say, Paris in the 30s: it is drawing a lot of like minded creative people.

People like my friend Hedvig. Who I photographed the day before we left, in early July. We just happened to find we were free & she was in my neck of the woods so we met for a coffee. The day was sultry, cool, rainy, like today, and I loved the way she was showing off her mile long tanned legs - she & her Man were fresh off the plane from holiday).

It seems so long ago, that day - so much has happened since. So much, and a whole lot of nothing. We spent a lot of time with friends, family - children seemed to be center focus most of the time - and had such fun. And I swam and swam until my mind went blank. And I feel renewed, but also I've got the Lag, and got it bad. And I started to think that one's personal 'style' is so much more than just the clothes we choose to wear. It's about how we decorate our homes, what we cook, what we do, how we LIVE.

And yet, at Gate 28 @ JFK, waiting with other British citizens, looking around at the gay couple who I wanted to photograph so badly (except, of course you can't really shoot people at the gate: you're about to ride an 8 hour flight with them, it's just not right) but something clicked in me: besides the cat, who I missed so much, and all our friends, and just the whole wonderful BRITISHNESS of it all, what I really missed was everyone's wonderful, personal, unique Style with a capital S.

The thing about Hedvig is she can walk into a shop and zero in on the item that is just exactly her own, personal style. (But the main thing I love about Hedvig is her HEART: she is just such a kind, kind friend). She never seems to wear the same ensemble twice but there are always ingredients from previous times, then something new. It's not always expensive: it just looks it. She mixes up good quality brands (like Acne) with cheaper things, especially from H&M. She's quite loyal to Scandinavian brands, I've noticed (she's Norwegian). Her handbags are usually the most expensive thing, or her shoes.

When I see H next I promise I'll source this for you. All I know is, her top - part poncho, part jumper - is from H&M cause she had just got it when I saw her.

(note: just discovered - we were both away - Hedvig's got a blog!! And she's used the logo I custom designed for her! So excited, it looks great. Check it out: Northern Lights.)

It's hard to be back. It felt like, landing in Heathrow, it was winter and we'd returned from a tropical climate (well let's face it: we did). I don't know how to dress today: I, too, want to show off my tanned, toned pins, but it's f-ing freezing out there, and about to rain. Yesterday, without my camera, I saw two unrelated women wearing summer dresses, black opaque tights and black shoes, that's probably a look I'll steal.

It's true, there ain't no cure for the summertime blues, but fashion is a fun little diversion.


  1. oh jill, love this post and glad to hear you are back safely. i've got my pins out (or stems as i like to call them lately... a la clueless). even though it is freezing outside. i probably should have opted for trousers. anyway, hedvig is looking gorgeous and so brown! i can help out a bit with the sourcing... i know her shoes are acne and i'm pretty sure the bag is marc jacobs. hope you get over the jet lag quickly! xx

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE her jumper and acne pistol boots!

  3. Hedvig always looks amazing ! I wanted to buy that jumper but I don't quite have the height for it!!! Love it :) x

  4. So nice to see you back!! I bought the same cape thingy as Hedvig although it gives away that she is atleast a foot taller than me LOL!

    Thanks so much for voting for me xx

  5. As always she is absolutely stunning and your pictures do her justice, gorgeous!! great style too.

    Hope you are great Jill dear :)


  6. wonderful post, very thoughtful and insightful words. and those pics of hedvig- just WOW.
    i've only had jet lag twice, when i flew to australia and back. i hope you get some rest and are over yours soon, my friend.

  7. Welcome back and show us your amazing split! lol.

  8. Welcome home! Hedvig always looks great and has this amazing ability to make things from H&M look good, I always think everything looks crap in there.

  9. Oh yeh, wasn't it just so cold today?! I was hoping to get a little sun in my racerback vest and shorts, then it started pouring down the MOMENT i got out the door and had to race back in for my jumper.

    This girl is so beautiful and everything I see of her I love. And that is an H&M poncho - I've had my eye on it!

    I have to say one of the reasons I love the UK is just that - the style. It's something I can identify with more than I have in any other country, and that's why I love it in London. Seriously...London fashion makes me so patriotic.


  10. WELCOME BACK! And what a nice post to come back with. I couldn't agree more with Saskia, about how the style of our city makes me feel, it's a great place to be and I'm very glad to have you back x

  11. She really is gorgeous in pretty much everything - glad you're back :)

  12. This girl never looks bad. Thant poncho-jumper is amazing. And those legs! Amazing. I love her shoes too. I had never heard about Acne until I started reading your blogs and , oh how I love it now! Glad you had a safe flight home! xxx

  13. Welcome Home Jil, I didn't even recognise Hedvig, she looked like a different person, the holiday obviously did her well. xx

  14. Love her oversized jumper and the colour of her nails.

  15. good to have you back! Hedvig is stunning! I'm loving that top- although i'm certain only people who have a figure like her can pull it off so spectacularly!! xxx

  16. Welcome back!
    Love Hedvig's outfit, she looks AMAZING.

    Lydia xxx

  17. Hello...you look fabulous!! Love the oversized sweater!!!
