
paradise found

Posting this on our last night @ my family's sweet summer place on the end of Long Island. We just came up from the beach: all 106 steps. Not much to say. Going to try to make every minute count tomorrow before we left for the airport @ 6:30 p.m. Still not one 'bloody' fish was caught by the artist formerly known as Mr. Dot. Not one. We can see the Blues out in the Sound, but they won't be near shore before we leave. Last year we were here later in August. Note to self: next year, stay on longer.

Beach people @ the beach near Annie's villa, Cabrera, Dominican Republic, mid July. Paradise.

It was Paradise here, too, on the beach below my parents' deck. Not a soul, just us. We took photos, I promise I'll send you soon as I'm home & settled in.

Sending you all happy wishes. Wish you were here. Or there. Hope you're well, wherever you are. xoxo

p.s. Just a quick addition before we fly out. Please do my friend Jen a favour. I don't have time to do the link but if you go to her blog on my daily reads - Style Crusader - she's got a Marie Claire contest she's entered. She'll talk you thru it, easy peasy. It can be your one good deed for the day & then you're all set. That's all. Style Crusader. Thanks Dudes.


  1. I haven't had the chance to enjoy the beach very much because of the weather, but I'm glad you had a great time. Have a safe flight home! xxx

  2. Your photos continue to be beautiful and peaceful. Have a safe trip home :)

  3. I just wanted to say how much i've enjoyed your holidays snaps over the past few weeks. From my little desk in Putney they have provided a much needed escapism! I love how you capture the feel of where you are. Safe journey home x

  4. gorgeous. safe travels, J! got your FB msg, about to reply...

  5. Thank YOU!! Just packing now, then off to the beach. Hate to go. I'll mix more of these up with fashion shots when I'm back in London (we've done some faux fashion shots on the beach, too). xoxo

  6. Hi jill, thanks for your comment. i hope you have a wonderful trip back. sorry about HIM not catching any fish :(
    these pictures are truly as if from Paradise. sun, sandy beach, turquoise water, youth... simply beautiful. life is beautiful!

  7. Ahhh that beach looks blissful. I only got to see the Devonshire coast this Summer round. Last year it was the Cumbrian coast, how I miss it! Enjoy the sunshine! xxx

  8. my goodness love the place as well

  9. beautiful beautiful... I adore the beach but rarely get to go :( hopefully that will change in upcoming year out!

    just a little note to spread the word about Susie Bubble's bloggers yard sale - http://www.stylebubble.co.uk has the details!


  10. Hi Jill- Wow how beautiful...I had forgotten how great the Long Island beaches are!
    Miss you- wish I was there too!
    xxx mona

  11. Now that is the life, just lounging about on the beach (don't I love lounging haha?!). Really wish I was right there, right now!

