
i am haunted by waters

Hello, world!

Our whole family nuclear family, and more, have been out here on the Fork for the long weekend, and the last have left this morning. It's quiet now, as I type this, just the sound of my nails on keyboard and birds tweeting outside (which reminds me: I haven't even been TWEETING the past few weeks. Nice feeling).

BIG thank you to all who suggested books on my post last June (what's black and white and read all over): Mr. D & I have been to the library and - amazingly - have been able to take out a stack of them. That was such a treat, and we're both grateful. Those books I can't get, I'm reading other novels by the same author. And for those of you who don't recognise my title and are too lazy to read A River Runs Through It by Norman Maclean, go rent the film: it's Brad before Angelina got to him.

The hardest I've worked in weeks is to clean up the base of the waterfall @ the Mill in Tranquility. Which, as Mr. D pointed out, is a pretty futile task. Perhaps, but it's infinitely rewarding.

We're having a lovely time, and as you've noticed, my posts have become more sporadic, and less street style. I'm doing a lot of photography, but more of nature, architecture (especially, in the DR, the most rural, rough hand made types of dwellings: their coulours and textures inspire me. I can't even think of fashion now, and yet, like every other creative expression (like cooking, for example, or our homes, restaurants, 'environments'), what I wear in the most casual sense is never out of my head altogether.

Even lounging around, I want to wear what I want to wear. Which is mostly white (bikini, tees, dresses, old favourite Brooks Brother shirt as cover up), or black (swimsuits, or a nice little roll up LBD), or those lovely shades of nudes, tans, khakis. And my burst of colours take place mostly on my toes, nails, occasionally sandals, or a lick of pink on my lips or lids.

But I can't resist some shots of Ben's lovely girlfriend, Lisa. This was at the Mill in Tranquility, NJ. Ben is Jim and Maryann's son. Lisa was wearing a dress in a colour I'm really fond of (I wore a tee in a post in the DR) - it's like a kind of moss khaki. I don't know why I'm loving it at the moment: it's my new neutral.

This time last year, the grey seemed the new black: its blue tinge felt new and sparkly against a tan, and while charcoals worked beautifully against pale skin, pale steel blue was gorgeous against a tan, or darker skin. It still is, but right now - maybe it's from my time in the Dominican Republic, which was so lush and jungle fever, but I'm just lovin' khaki, especially against coral and hot pink accents. The warmer shades of tans and nudes feel like this year's grey for me.

And I'm really into the shades of water: pool aquas, sea greens... the light of water on the sound below us is just amazing, when I go down to the beach at twilight. Water, water, everywhere. I just am zoning out on water, sky, sun, clouds, haze, vegetation. Vegetating. Chilling out.

Signing off.

Wish you were here: it's simply heavenly.

(Lisa's dress: Marshall's. Necklace, gift from Ben. My swimsuit: American Apparel. Annie's tee shirt, her company, peace power tees. Mito's shorts, not a clue).


  1. It looks beautiful! And so is Lisa, so natural!


  2. oh jill this post is beautiful. so fun to have a little look into what you've been up to. what a gorgeous place to be spending your time. hope you keep enjoying it! p.s. lisa looks gorgeous! such a simple but perfect little dress. and i'm totally with you on the colour! it's just right. xx

  3. jill it's been ages, i'm so sorry! i feel like an awful friend. seems like you've had a good time though, i'm so jealous. beautiful shots as always :) xxx

  4. Hi, Jill:
    Enjoying your vacation vicariously. Your photos are wonderful. I especially love "waterfloor" and "waterfallchairs" which transports me to tranquility.
    All the best,
    Louise aka Anon.

  5. what a perfect place to sit! i bet it sounds just brilliant

  6. Oh, it's amazing (to Mat). Louise aka Anon, thank you. I can't send emails from here but can read the comments (& comment back) so thank you all. And Jen, Eleanor, she is (Lisa, that is). Sweet, natural, just a lovely lovely girl. Ben's great, too, and I'm so glad for them both, they're a great couple. Been together since High School.

  7. You look like you're in the most perfect little piece of earth ever. Looks utterly tranquil - polar opposite of London! Lisa is so pretty, and seems like she would be a really nice girl too!


  8. perfectly lovely. :) looks like you're having a wonderful time! and I love lisa's dress...it's so simple, yet so pretty!
