
let's do lunch

Typing this in our room @ my parents' summer place: just going to go for a swim then we'll drive 30 miles towards the city, still rural, and 'he' (my new word for my husband, I'm getting bored of 'Mr. Dot' - borrowed that one from the Photodiarist, thanks babe!) will drop me off at a school friend, Elise's house in the woods. I haven't seen it yet, nor seen her since high school, and my other really good friends, Linda (who I had dinner with the other night) and Caryn, will be there.

A girl's lunch.

Meanwhile, cause the whole North Shore coastline out here is so gorgeous, Mr. D - I mean, HE, will bring rod and attempt to fish. It's the bane of his existence: he's having a lovely holiday, but he doesn't swim - just kind of gets wet - and all he wants to do in HIS leisure time is fish. And the running theme on that gorgeous beach below the deck is 'there are no fish'. Every time we pass people they ask 'Catch any fish?' and smile. He did catch one fish, a really weird brown and orange inedible giant - I saw it, saw him swim away - and then, another night, he CAUGHT THE SAME FISH! He was like Dude, what am I, the only fish in the Sound?

What does all this have to do with this post? Nothing, really. These were shot on a day in the Dominican Republic recently. Annie and I had been on the beach the day before, sipping the most AMAZING chopped fresh pineapple coconut drinks out of the most vibrant orange pineapples (I didn't have my camera, you'll just have to use your imagination) and we had ordered lunch - with the boys and Norris - for the next day.

Well, come the day, we saw other glamorous people sitting round on plastic chairs and tables, eating their lunch, but the moment our food arrived - fresh fish, RECENTLY CAUGHT (sorry, honey) and fried plantains and salad and rice - the heavens opened. The fabulous guys who run the 'restaurant' (shack number 12) whisked the food away, set us up under a blue tarp behind the shacks, and hot damn if that wasn't much more magical, memorable, beautiful in every way.

What does this have to do with fashion? Everything, actually. I am loving the deep colours of these blues and greens with the tans and 'sables' of the sand. I love wearing colours that don't belong in the place where I am. I mean, come fall, I can't wait to wear a neon lime green jumper with, say, tan trousers, brown boots, my old true blue long Calvin Klein cotton cardigan.. I love the unexpected, like a tropical thunderstorm when you're expecting a sunny lunch on the beach. That's probably why I loved grey so much last summer: it felt so unexpected in a warm climate. Like the magical days the storm entered my room at the Villa, and Norris, Wallace and I were running around with mops.

Speaking of warm: what am I doing inside. It's another gorgeous day. No sign of rain. I've got just a few minutes to swim before we go. Altho, Elise does have a pool and asked us to bring our swimsuits. Can't wait to see my friends. Have a sweet day everyone!!


  1. A few years ago I bought a beautiful sorbet green trench in Mango, but this past fall/spring it hasn't been outside of my closet. I only wanted to wear dark colours. But I think I'll take it to London with me. It will brighten my day if I wake up and get depress with those grey London days. I hope you enjoy your girlie lunch! xxx

  2. I hope HE's going to catch a fish at last ; )

  3. LOVE that first photo how you've captured the intensity of the blue of something as ordinary as a piece of rain soaked canvas - the raindrops almost look like gems at first glance.

  4. The drink sounded delicious, I used my imagination. Hope you had a great day catching up with old friends. Your holiday pictures have been truly amazing.

  5. Oh thank you!! Last summer I missed swimming & visiting time go around Southampton 'street shooting' people in the heat. Now that I've moved on and my blog is 'polka dot' not the lame name 'street style london' (altho you can get there from either link) I don't feel like wasting a minute running up to strangers to street shoot them. I'm sure I'll still do it in London - I can't stop, actually - but it's really nice to get this kind of support about posting what I want.

    I'm sure there will be less people coming to my blog as a result but hey, that's okay, too.

    Carrott: it's the same for me. I've gone thru a very dark phase - even last summer wearing a lot of black or grey (which granted does look great, especially with a little sparkle of turquoise or silver) but I'm really into mixing it up now. A chance photo of a then stranger - who has since become a friend (Natalie, of Canned Fashion) before or after a show @ London Fashion Week in February inspired me to colours I already love: hot pink and camel. I love that mix of browns and tans with bright colours.

    I've got tons more shots - it's unbelievable how much I still haven't posted. I might just end up blending the two blogs together and make this 'polka dot's eternal summer!' ; )

    Oh btw Martine: HE still hasn't caught one damn fish. Apart from that poor weird brown and orange one, which he caught twice. He might be going for a record. Usually I'm cooking something he's caught by now.


  6. so glad you are getting such a big dose of swimming! looks/sounds beautiful! xx

  7. oh, these colors are gorgeous!!!

    i cannot wait to go back to Georgia and see some of my old friends again!!! i only went back once and it was 10 years ago :(

  8. These are so beautiful! You are so lucky to be able to go on such a lovely vacation.
