
before the show: fish feeding frenzy

At this rate, I shall be posting S/S 2010 LFW shots til.. let's see.. 2047.

Backstage before Kinder Aggugini's show. It's hard to describe the violence and chaos that goes on there, and yet it's all kind of calm and serene. You'll see these clusters of people that seem to be attacking someone but you can't see what's going on. They're all kind of violently stabbing at someone and then inside is a model. It's like when we were sailing in the Virgin Islands and we were throwing bits of bread off the catamaran: a fish feeding frenzy.

I'm sorry to spin you along about the Olivia story, it will be so anti-climatic when I finally tell you. I've just been posting for Next (red and camel were today's Day 4 trend) and I'm in that jet lag state: the honour of seeing these amazing shows is balanced by the stressful state of running for a plane. And another plane. And another. And I've got a 9:00 a.m. metaphorical Jaeger plane to catch tomorrow, so this is Dot, signing off.


  1. amazing picture! before i even read your writing i thought exactly the same thing, the model just looks so calm and serene.

    thank-you for your comment. see you at some point tomorrow! i am determined to come in no matter how runny my nose is, hehe. x

  2. It can't be easy being a model - nor a racing fashion reporter. Keep on going, Jill, we're expecting more inside information! xoxo

  3. I think you just don't need to be pretty and tall and all that to be a model; I think it is a really hard job, standing there, looking great all the time... Some people think it is easy but I don't think so.
    I'm loving all your pictures of LFW xxx

  4. just been catching up with you on here and over at style secrets! can't believe i didn't get a chance to pop by somerset house this weekend while i was down in london, it all looks so amazing! pretty sure i spotted some models out and about though, including a beauty in topshop that i couldn't stop staring at!xx

  5. I love your take on events at LFW. Can't wait to hear to Olivia story - is at as good as Julia asking you to befriend her on facebook?

    I just saw you put me on the Next blog again! Shucks. And you know, usually I hate looking at photos of myself, but I don't mind that one (must be the £3 trousers), so thank you!

    I'm sad it's all over....until next year! xx

  6. Great LFW coverage, Jill - I'm enjoying the Next posts too. Was really sorry to have missed you at the weekend. Saskia phoned you at one point but your phone was off, so you must have been in a show. I didn't actually spend all that much time at Somerset House - was consious of trying to balance it with also spending time with the friend I'd come to see and experience London. Next time I'll be more organised! xx

  7. I think it's Ramona Chmura - Polish model :)
