
jaeger sings the blues

Deep greens and blues are the colours I choose at the moment. And so, apparently, does Jaeger. (And rose. And black and white, but I'll save those for a future post). It was thrilling actually to be at the show and see the exact colours I've had in my head since a magic day on holiday in the Dominican Republic when it rained during lunch at the beach and I thought: this is the palette I want to wear right now. Jewel like blues and greens and indigos and some ochre and forest green. And they've channeled that exactly!

And I"m so wanting this rain hood: it's like the old classic yellow 'slickers' - I mean, how lovely would it be to go out on a rainy day with a lovely trench and instead of an umbrella, just bung this thing like a waterproof snood on your head and when it's sunny, just carry it around, rolled up in your bag. Just in case.

It's just so gosh darn practical.

I just simply don't know where to begin with posting: I am flooded with a sea of images - memories - that I want to share with you. But the sun is out and as Mr. Dot pointed out, I'd absolutely kick myself if I didn't scoot over to Somerset House HQ one last time.

Btw: anyone have a clue who this girl is? Must run, but after today we've got all the time in the world, you and I, to catch up. How are you all doing today? Hope you're all well & rested & feeling good, wherever in the world you are.


  1. Yeah that hood is amazing! I'd definitely buy one! Oh and I loooove those green shoes xxx

  2. Is that not Laura Bailey? Her shoes look like a Crunchie Bar...

  3. Hi there, the girl is Laura Bailey, a model and socialite type. She writes a blog for Vogue UK

  4. Looks like Laura Bailey to me x

  5. i cannot imagine a more lush, luminous way to showcase blues and greens than in this exact fabric: luxurious silk! (i'm assuming it's silk- i used to be quite good at telling fabrics at a glance, back in my fashion school days.)
    as for the girl, i have no idea. she's very pretty.

  6. this collection was pretty spesh, well impressed, my gf will love it too

  7. What a surreal collection of colors and fabrics! I absolutely love jewel tones :) I would really go for the green shoes if they had more of a tapered heel, but seriously, this is my kind of collection! Great shots as usual!

  8. I've been reading your blog and the next blog, but haven't had the time to comment! Deep blues and purples are not usually my colours of choice, but I would be inspired to try it out in an outfit.


  9. That's true, Saskia, I don't usually see you in those colours. But I bet you'd look great in this colour range. Actually.. you've got the kind of colouring I bet you'd look great in anything. I don't see you as a black and red type tho (but neither am I). Jennifer East is more suited for that.

    Thank you all re: the Laura Bailey tip! I know who she is - I think she's lovely! Personality as well. Well of course: they usually do go hand in hand (apart from Angelina Jolie: how can someone that beautiful be such not a girl's girl?)

  10. these deep greens, blues and purples are divine!!! loving it!

  11. Damn, missed you AGAIN, Jill. Next time?!? And you've been to the Jaeger show... wow! Love the hues, there is something so subtle and natural about them. And the hood... Wouldn't it be perfect for photographers? (plus it's evoking wonderful childhood memories) xoxo

  12. Love you lfw coverage - well done!


  13. These are great, Jill. Are you using manual mode these days?

  14. I don't want, I need that rain hood! x

  15. Yeah, literally. Right now. I'm thinking of fashioning one out of those orange recycling bags. Now THERE's an idea!!

    PD: only using manual when I have the luxury of time - for catwalk shows I now use the sports setting - those critters move fast!!

    Thanks all. Sabine, this is so funny: that's two times. What next? : )

