
crossing burberry

Hello, Cupcakes!

Strange to think that in parts of America it's summer, Labor Day, sunshine, BBQ: here in London it's grey and wet, back to work, back to school for some.. And for the Southern Hemisphere, it's Spring! That really confuses me no end.

Anyway saw this girl crossing the street as I was headed to the Knightsbridge branch of Burberry - Harrods was just behind me, and I like that little teeny tip of a Harrods plastic bag on the left. There's a story. There's always a story. I'll save it, tho, for another post.

Speaking of Burberry: anyone nab an invite yet? When I first went to London Fashion Week - last September - I applied as per directions by sending a nice polite request, via email, to Amy at Burberry. No invite. Tried again in Feb. Same thing. What are the odds, do you think, of getting third time lucky? Can you imagine having Amy's job? I bet she's got more friends than anyone in the world.

After being out most of the day, having left early, met some friends, did some shooting/shopping/snooping around, met Nat for a chat, did some more s/s/s, ate some sushi, then it started to rain and I remembered I forgot my keys. These are the moments when I realise what lucky woman I am. My husband, Mr. D, had left for a meeting, but he went back to get my keys & meet me. We were actually coordinating a meeting place when I shot this girl, didn't stop to ask her name and then, when we met up, we happened to be by some flowers, so bless his cotton socks if he didn't do a very very quick shoot.

Jacket from Barney's NY - the designer is Piazza Sempione, I don't know if they still exist - shorts, H&M, camel tee, gifted from American Apparel (the colour and feel are clearly going to be as much of a uniform for me as these shorts have been). Boots, Blue Velvet, a very reasonably priced shop on the King's Road that's been there forever.

p.s. Big thank you to H (Pret a Porter P) and Looking Fab: turns out, Piazza Sempione does still exist! Back when I lived in NY, I practically lived in their clothes, which I'd get in Barney's. Those were the days - before marriage, when I earned my own money and could buy whatever I liked.


  1. Burberry don't know what they are missing obviously, I mean how Burberry is your outfit!! Really love the boots with shorts Jill x

  2. Wish I could get my hands on a Burberry ticket! Well, I just generally wish I was going to LFW...
    Love the photo of you here - especially the contrast between the garish flowers behind you, and the muted tones of your outfit. And I love your boots! They remind me of riding boots.

    Sorry I haven't commented in ages - I've read every post though! Oh, and did you get my email?

  3. I love the "s/s/s", haha =).

    You should go to Burberry's show without and invitation or anything and if they ask for it at the door, just say something like "Dear, I don't need an invitation. If you have any doubt about whether I'm invited or not just go ask Amy." That'll work, haha.



  4. Loving your boots and shorts Jill, the picture is so sweet!!

    I never even thought of emailing designer's PR to ask for a ticket for fashion week, i'm much too shy! Are going to any shows this year?? I registered on the LFW site but no idea what that means, oh dear i'm such a novice and obvious fashion week virgin!


  5. Ahh they were quite selective this year I remember Winnie from Diamond Canopy was randomly selected by the marketing dept, it's like a golden ticket to the Charlie's chocolate factory.

    I always give mine to my sister, cos the venue is tooo far for my liking :S

  6. hey!
    I am terribly sorry, but I have not been on blogger for about the past two weeks. I have had to temporarily delete my blog, but I hope to start it back up....
    love the pictures as always, and I really appreciate that you took the time to check out my blog! hopefully I will be able to continue blogging. :)

  7. that's such an amazing outfit you're wearing! great legs!

  8. Oh Piazza Sempione, I think I've got something from them. They must still be around, no? Lovely pic!

    I'm planning to scoot around London on Wednesday - Fashion Night Out... Will you be around, Jill?

  9. Yes! (to Sabine). I forgot all about it and my friend Nat asked me today when we were having coffee & muffins. A friend has an art launch which I'd go to first, but I still want to go. Which are you going to? Let's try to meet.

    Everyone else: bless you, you're each so nice. Re LFW, I"m doing a post now which I'll have follow this, Kit you're so funny it IS like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! I'm going to do a post and call it just that.

  10. jill i absolutely love the outfit you are wearing! seriously, everything about it is perfect. i love those boots. you look incredible. also, love the second girls bag. the colour is great. p.s. keeping my fingers crossed that the burberry fairy blesses you. xx

  11. I got kicked out of Burberry in Puerto Banus for trying to take a picture of a plum coloured aviator jacket which was sublime. I was furious.

  12. Oh that's so funny: I was just last night putting together a post about that SAME SUBLIME PLUM COLOURED AVIATOR JACKET. Then I got caught up with dinner/tv and never posted it. When I do, can I mention your story? (Will put this on your blog, too).

    Great minds think alike.

  13. Hi Honey, Puerto Banus is next to Marbella on the Costa Del Sol. You and Jen and your camera's would have had a field day, people watching out there is unbelieveable. I saw a woman in a bar with a zebra print kaftan and matching cowboy hat, I woman of about 80 with a baker boy cap, loads of make-up and a visible thong through her sheer dress! There are also lots of well dressed Gangster types and beautiful people too! I have been been going there for 6 years, I love it!

  14. Ooh H you're right! They do! Will add it to the post, thank you.

    Fab, sounds amazing. We have a favourite hotel just around the corner - past the tip where Tarifa, the wind surfing capital of the world, is - it's called the Hotel Hurricane on the other side of the Andalusia triangle (Costa de Luz). I don't really know the bling side near Marbella and never heard of Puerto Banus before but it must be fabulous this time of year! I'm longing to be @ the HH right now. Did you shoot these people? Please send if so.

  15. Jill, sadly I didn't shoot them, I didn't have the guts to ask! I don't know what the old lady would have thought! We got a dodgy pic of the zebra clad lady on her way back from the loo, trying to be discreet, it is on hubby's iphone, must get him to download it! Hotel Hurricane sounds lovely!
