
three little birds

Yesterday when I was on the street in Knightsbridge, I had to pee and went into Starbucks. There was a little queue for the downstairs loo so went upstairs, where there was a notice that it was broken, sorry, and to try the one downstairs. After a while I gave up and went to Wasabi, where I had lovely sushi, but while I was queuing at Starbucks, Bob Marley was singing: Three Little Birds. And it's been playing in my head ever since.

Just spoke with the delightful Will at the British Fashion Council and he confirmed: it's not too late. It really is a more the merrier thing. Just go to the LFW site, click on REGISTER, apply for a press pass here. Don't be put off by the need for accreditation, the LINK TO WEBSITE is your own blog. He said there's even a special blogger's press pass with a bloggers' bar.. you really are welcome. I know everyone got a bit freaked about the Tavigate thing, and a few snide pieces by a few disgruntled old hacks but really, long as we don't eat ALL the free pastries - hell, even if we DO end up eating all the free pastries.. your collective passion, your enthusiasm, your time and professionalism and energy, are really an important part of the industry.

Really, what are you waiting for, a written invitation? : )

Some more street shots from yesterday. I was really into the self portrait thing. Everywhere I went, I kept seeing me, me, me.

Oh and something else Will said: I know the first time, I didn't quite trust that I was actually registered. But you'll be amazed when you get there, it's really easy. Just bring some ID. If you've got any kind of business cards, that's great to have in general especially if you're going to take photos of people (I get my cards printed by GOODPRINT: they're great value, quick turnaround and very user friendly).

(Oh and for what it's worth: once you're in, you won't necessarily receive a confirmation. Don't worry about that either. Just show up. And don't worry about what you're going to wear, just be comfortable. I'm including these shows to show that no matter what we wear.. well let's just say we're not going to look good at every angle. The secret to fashion week, like life in general, is to not take any of it too seriously).

Truly: don't worry about a thing. Cause every little thing's gonna be alright. You'll see.


  1. U look great, I like ur outfit!

  2. Hi! Thanks so much for the tips on registering - have just tried to but am on train back to London and the wireless connection is slow! Will try again later and most definitely see you there - can't wait!

    Unbelievable that I happened to stop your friend Emily. I thought she looked very model-y at the time! Hopefully she'll see it and your comment too.

    See you soon and will email (as I keep promising!)re FW plans xx

  3. I got my accreditation confirmed while I was away last week - so exciting! Never been to LFW - just trying to work out when to come up to London now. Maybe I'll see some of the people behind the blogs I read!! :)

  4. Love the boots and the Bob.
    Will certainly see you at LFW.
    Good looking out.

  5. i've applied, not sure if i can make it cos of uni but just incase!
