
olivia olivia

Okay, it's time for the Olivia story. I know it's going to be so stupid and anti-climatic: it was just at the time I did the Julia post ('being Julia'). It was all at the same event, Day Two (Saturday), at the Topshop Unique show at Waterloo Station, and there were just so many photos and stories from that day I said I'd tell you the Olivia story another time and then I just got so busy... and I just can't tell anything simply, but I'll try.

Last February, I met and photographed Olivia Palermo ('deer in the headlights') but I didn't know who she was. (I'm always meeting famous people that I often don't know are famous: one of these days remind me to tell you the Hugh Grant story). The City was already on one of the channels here but it wasn't in our listings.. I eventually started watching the show and I saw what people meant about her character but frankly, I didn't think she was bitchy. Maybe it's because I met her and liked her so I"m biased, or maybe it's because that other one - the big blonde - the one who's actually supposed to be nice.. but I don't think she is. I think she's kind of manipulative by playing the victim. But that's just me. I haven't watched the show much, frankly.

Anyway, because of the strange situation I found myself in (as explained in the Julia story) I found myself just kind of hanging around because I hadn't gone to the little party that Shini had gone to (I had a ticket, I just had gone straight to the photo pit) so I'm just standing around, waiting for it to start, taking photos of people, shoes...

... watching Olivia talk to the famous Telegraph fashion journalist, Hillary Alexander (that's another story)..

and finally I introduced myself again, said we met last February.

She seemed really pleased to see me, seemed convincingly to have remembered me (or it could be good acting), and yet, like in February, it felt like this kind of friendly moment passed between us: like she was relieved that I wasn't treating her like a strange creature, an object to be Papp'd, and just that quick nanosecond moment of 'we're all just normal people' before she got swept into more photos, more taped interviews..

..then the show began, and I'm sitting there next to her (separated by one person)..

.. with a view of her hands on my right, like Julia's was on my left..

..more shots of the show, and then after, I was talking with Julia and left Olivia to the hoards and masses, and that was it, really. Then back outside to the craziness of shooting civilians and models with Shini and the other photographers (and yes, that's another post, or two, or seven).

Not really much of a story, is it? I mean, hardly worth spinning you along this long, and I apologise.

Okay, so this is where the story starts veering into Implausibility Land: my lovely friend Natayla (editor of the online fashion magazine Its Fashion Week) asked me what the 'Olivia' story was. I said I'd tell her when I saw her, it was no big deal. Meanwhile we're both running round to different shows, trying to find each other.. at one point (and this is all within like 48 hours) she ends up in Kurt Geiger, and who should she see alone in the shop with no one around apart from what seemed to be a 'minder', but.. Olivia herself. So she introduced herself and took this shot:

Now Nat also felt that Olivia Palermo, the person, is really nice, sweet, warm. So which is it? Is she a really good actress who can play a bitch well, but in real life acts nice? Or is she THAT good an actress that she's really a bitch and just acts nice in public? Frankly, I don't think anyone's that good an actress.

Anyway, enough on the Olivia stuff. Fame is such a weird thing: there are so many lovely people I meet and shoot all the time, and they could just as easily be famous, they're just not. Yet.

I think I like this shot most of all, when Olivia Palermo, the actress, the celebrity, is simply being a human being. All these shots are unretouched and if you look closely you will see it: a spot. A teeny, tiny spot, granted, but it's there. Proof that she's just as human as you or me, after all.


  1. I've not watched The City OR met Olivia in person, but I really love the last shot. After looking at it for a while I feel like I know her a little better!

  2. You achieved some really lovely photos of her.

  3. Thank you, PD! And Marin. I feel like this post took forever to put together. I've done my Sunday night homework.

  4. love love the images! saw Olivia over here at the Boss Black Show after Party as well with her german boyfriend, but didn't want to interrupt them!
    she looked flawless as always and was very much in the background! very modest!


  5. This story sounds really exciting! I had already read the post about her back in February and it's such a coincidence you met her again! I believe she's a nice person I can't think that she should act so nice if she really is very bitchy. Why should she be so nice then? Oh and she is so gorgeous in all the photos!

  6. I watch The City (sometimes) and I have to tell that you're wrong abou Whitney (the blond girl9. She's the sweetest person EVER, I "know" her from The Hills and she's a very sweet girl. I don't know much about Olivia but i don't think that she's a bith either because when I watch The City she's nice to some people. We don't have to be nice to everyone and I think people just want to see her bad side. I think they are both amazing girl, with their amazing styles.
    But I just wanted to alert you about Whitney because she's the sweetest girl ever. I think everyone who saw her on The Hills know that.

  7. oh, see my Giveaway...if u like..



  8. I never got to watch either of those shows, but I will bet that a lot of the bitching is just for the cameras, I mean it would be pretty boring as a show without any drama! Love those bejewelled pants!

  9. GREAT photos and a very good story, it makes me happy, I'm glad she's nice. And I love how you've trailed a couple of other stories in this post...shall eagerly await them! x

  10. Yeah, well I'll live to regret it: just more work for Mother. thanks all!! xo

  11. this post is gorgeous jill. i love the story that you've trailed along between the photos and also all the deep questions you've raised. all the images are incredible - the topshop ones and the ones of olivia. this post is such a good representation of why I (and so many others) adore your blog. you're a star. can't wait to see you tomorrow. xx

  12. Hi again,
    I don't think they are acting, they live their life with cameras around them. Is the same thing in The Hills, but unfortunately you won't see Whitney on The Hills now because she's in NY and that's why they created The City, to keep following Whitney's life. Here is a fun moment from the Hills http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVnHXiZcXYA.
    About my blog, The girl from the post "let's get nasty" is a model from Nastygal.
    This is me http://www.flickr.com/photos/miadelessi/4775245429/ , I hope I didn't disappoint you. And, I'm from Portugal.

  13. I've heard from many sources that actually went to school with her between high school and college that she's a moronic self entitled princess that no one likes. So I'm guessing she was acting nicely...anyways. My entire original hipster story has been "fully" reblogged by major news sites, yes they credit, but no one asked to post it. They took snippets of what I wrote and acted like it was an interview. Went into my personal life to try to find out what I do professionally and put it out there even though I'm very secretive about my "real" job. I've had it with the FS myself, a few times they used my images and were acting like I should be grateful [for articles they wrote, not on the forum itself] and I was like, yeah no--because it's on my flickr doesn't make it fair game to use as an article filler stock image. I don't like watermarks, they don't do anything for me, they don't stop stupid tweens thinking they're entitled. I have people stealing my blackberry images from my blackberry blog all the time and it looks like they took it because it's from a phone or they act like they did. It's the worst. I'm so annoyed, I know it's the internet but I don't understand why people can't give you a heads up or ask or oh idk, do their "journalist" job and actually interview me.

    I guess I'm in a sour mood because it'll never change and no one cares until they get all mad that someone stole some gif that they made with images that aren't even theirs. THEN IT'S HELL ON EARTH!!!!11!1!1 obnoxious.

  14. Exactly, just human - but a very beautiful one and you got wonderful pictures of her. I guess she's just moody, which would be VERY HUMAN!

  15. such a great post- i love what she wore in those first shots-
    and btw- these are some smashing shots- this is such a great blog!

  16. Jill - amazing photosgraphs as usual, I love them. Also, I agree with what you're saying about the City - I guess its clearly all acting and making drama out of nothing, they're probably all nice people!



    Ps thanks so much for adding my link to your sidebar!


  17. i don't watch much tv, much less shows like "the city" (i'm too old to have interest in it, just can't really relate...anyways....) but i have seen images of olivia on the 'net, including your previous ones, and i have this to say: your photos of her are the best i have seen. she's a beautiful girl, but you have captured a little something extra: the human quality instead of simply her "style". well done, Jill!

  18. Jill, these photos are great. You have this amazing knack of capturing (what i like to think is) the person's personality. I like to think she is genuinly a nice person as I don't anyone can be that a good an actress, somewhere deep down you can generally always tell whether a person is true or not. I hope.

  19. Well Jill this is a lovely lovely post. And having met Olivia and watched the City, I can say that she really seems honestly nice. Maybe Im wrong, but when I asked her for a quick shot she was so nice and all smile. Bumping into her in a shoe store, while she is trying on beautiful shoes was really weird. She really didnt have to be nice to me, or even take the time to pose for me, and compliment me on my style, yet she did.
    But whats important is the way you captured her beauty, and those shots are just beautiful...

  20. That's exactly how I feel! (Nat & Clazz): catching someone in a shoe store, or in the midst of a fashion show, in an 'unscripted' situation: that is so lovely that she complimented you on your style.

    I'm so interested in the ways we females relate to each other: it's like it can't be possible that someone can be so naturally pretty, AND be genuinely nice.. what does that say about us?

    And I also absolutely believe that true beauty comes from within: and in my experience, and I'm glad to hear it was confirmed with yours, she simply comes across as someone who epitomises not just beauty, but grace. Same thing with Julia. Just lovely, generous spirited young women. How wonderful is that.

  21. Love those dresses!! So Xena Warrior Princess! lol yes I watched that show...a lot :)
