
unique position

Editing a sea of shots I took at the Topshop Unique show: I had an amazing spot, on the step of the aisle, by myself, between the front row that consisted of Julia and Nicola Roberts on my left, and Olivia Palermo and who knows who else on my right. And all these amazing images going by.

One down, hundreds to go. I'm not complaining mind you: it was a real privilege that they let me sit there (an exclusive!) and probably because I was being discreet and polite. And now, after the fact, it's fun to properly see all the clothes and shoes and hair. At the time it was just a blur. This is uncropped which gives you an idea how close I was. I've made a deal with myself: no more posts til I finally tell you the Olivia story. Next up.


  1. Those shoes are gorgeous! Not for me, but just to look at . . . like a piece of shoe art.

  2. That's how I feel: not for me, but as art.

  3. poor little toe :( didn't get to join the big kids :(

  4. I want those shoes! I'd totally wear them!

  5. haha, Shini- my thoughts exactly! if the shoe can't fit the model, i don't want it, know what i mean?

    Jill...sweet Jill...I got your email, I'm at work just now, but will write ya soon, my friend. Must remember to turn on my Skype, too. :)

    I can imagine all those shows...and hectic days..and so many people...the whirlwind of it all. Take your time w/ the LFW posts. That way, you don't get overwhelmed, and we readers get to see a little bit at a time. To savor and enjoy.


  6. incredible shot. i noticed so many of the models had their toes hanging over the ends of their shoes! they need to make them bigger for them! love the clear platform though. so cool. xx

  7. Wow, what a great seat you had. Can't wait to see more photos (and of course hear the Olivia story!) x

  8. Omg that shoe looks like pure evil!! it's beautiful but the pain--I'm feeling it all the way in my comfy bed right now.

    yay that my photos are uploading quickly, maybe I'll stay with the size if people like it. I'm just feeling the need to go bigger but at the same time I think even more people will steal them :\

    Thanks for the comment, very long time no speak :[ The Chanel Soho store is the only one that looks like this now because of the opening. The 5th and Madison Avenue ones look nothing like it. I'm glad there's some sort of break from the ugly iceberg crap. haha.

  9. If there is one thing I hate it it hanging toes, in real life but even more so on the runway. I just dont get it, the know the models sizes so why? It just looks sloppy. The shoes are a work of art though!

  10. ah, it's so good to see that people are actually looking at my photos! I didn't see it at the time of course - but when I looked at this shot and saw her poor toe.. ouch. My title had a little secret double meaning... I like sometimes to plant these little clues in, just to keep myself amused.

    On to the Olivia post. finally.
